Golden Grain Hidden Veggie Pasta review and giveaway

I received a review sample from Golden Grain

Whether you have a picky eater who doesn't like anything except pasta and butter, or you just want to pack more nutrition into your family's meals, you are going to LOVE Golden Grain's new Hidden Veggie Pasta.  It's semolina pasta made with real veggies (dried sweet corn, dried carrot and dried squash) so it provides 1/2 cup of vegetables (1 serving of veggies) per 4-ounce serving of pasta.  Here's the good news: it looks, cooks and tastes just like regular pasta!

Golden Grain sent me samples of their Penne, Elbow macaroni and Spaghetti, and I will definitely be looking for these at the supermarket.  My family can't tell the difference between this and regular pasta.  Unlike whole wheat pasta, which has a nutty taste, Golden Grain Hidden Veggie Pasta tastes just like regular pasta. Unlike whole wheat pasta, it cooks up in about the same amount of time as regular pasta (7-9 minutes for the penne and macaroni, and 6-7 minutes for spaghetti, versus 10-15 minutes for whole wheat pasta).

This is one of those products that make you think, Why has nobody thought of this before??.  It's a godsend for parents with picky kids!  The veggies are already in the pasta, so you can serve your picky eater some mac-and-cheese and feel good that he's getting a serving of veggies.  If you sneak in some cauliflower puree or sweet potato puree into the sauce, you pack even more of a punch.  We had mac-and-cheese last night, made with Hidden Veggie Twisted Elbows and a cheese sauce that contains half a head of cauliflower.   No picky kid would turn their nose up at that!

Fortunately, we're past the stage where I have to force or fool my kids into eating vegetables, but I'm never going to pass up the chance to make our pasta dishes healthier.  Now we can indulge in spaghetti carbonara or macaroni and cheese and still feel good that we're getting some veggies.  Our healthier pasta dishes will become even healthier with Hidden Veggie Pasta -- when it comes to veggies, you can't have too many of them!

Win a year's supply of Hidden Veggie Pasta
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will win a year's supply of pasta (consisting of 24 coupons for 1 free package of Golden Grain Hidden Veggie up to $1.99 maximum retail value. Readers most likely to find Hidden Veggie on their grocery shelves reside in the following cities and surrounding areas: San Francisco, Sacramento, OAHU, Seattle and Portland).

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I entered the Golden Grain Hidden Veggie pasta giveaway

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The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on April 7, 2013; I will draw a winner at random on April 8 and post their name after they confirm acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. We usually always have a veggie w/meals. No prob getting my kids to eat more.

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  2. Follow bonggamom on Blogger (Lori Thomas)

    ctymice at gmail dot com

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    ctymice at gmail dot com

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    ctymice at gmail dot com

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    ctymice at gmail dot com

  6. I really do not have a problem-the kids like raw veggies over cooked. they will eat carrots and celery as a snack

    tiramisu392 (at)

  7. Well, I do have a problem getting my kids to eat veggies. So, I put them in things like soups, pot pie, and spaghetti sauces to disguise them a bit.

  8. I follow on Blogger (Jennifer Tilson).

  9. I like Bonggamom Finds on FB under Jennie Tilson. I posted to your wall.

  10. I entered the Snikiddy Snacks giveaway.

  11. I like to add extra veggies to everything--pasta sauce, casseroles, pizza, you name it!


  12. I commented on FB


  13. I follow you on Pinterest


  14. I follow you on Blogger


  15. I entered the Snikiddy Snacks giveaway


  16. i grate things like carrots and mix them into muffins and things he'll eat

  17. by making it really soft he will eat it
    amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com

  18. Put cheese on it!

  19. We offer them raw. They seem to like them better that way.

  20. I buy products that have veggies hidden in them like yogurt,breakfast bars, fruit/veggie pouches, and pasta bakes are an easy way to give them veggies without them knowing it! I may even try putting veggies in my brownies next time!

  21. Entered the Totino's giveaway

  22. I follow you on instagram at childrensnook

  23. I entered the PROBAR Meal giveaway.

  24. I entered the Totino's Pizzeria rolls.

  25. The previous winner declined her prize, so congratulations to the alternate winner: #21, moushka!
