Celebrate Pets with American Girl Magazine

American Girl Magazine is celebrating furry, fluffy, feathered, finned, four-legged friends -- basically any kind of animal that girls love -- with their We  Animals issue for March and April.  It couldn't have come at a better time, since April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.  In addition, March 23 is National Puppy Day and April 26 is National Kids and Pets Day!  Here's a sneak peek at what's inside:

* A true story about how 12 year old Brooke and her wild mustang, Jacuzzi
* 13 horse posters
* Tips for taking great pet photos
* How to make a menagerie of sea creatures out of clay (The Pea really wants to try this!)
* Cute photos of readers' pets
* Fun quizzes: what animal best represents your personality and style?
* Decorating ideas for animal cupcakes
* Recipes for animal-themed dishes like Animal Crackers, Monkey Bread Muffins, Pigs in a Blanket, Birdseed Bars and more.

Today we treated ourselves to the Grasshopper Shake.  It's cold and minty and oh-so-good, and the green color makes it perfect for St. Patrick's Day!  I've copied out the recipe for everyone to enjoy:

Grasshopper Shake
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cups mint chocolate-chip ice cream
2 crushed chocolate-sandwich cookies (we used 3 Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies for extra minty-ness!)
chocolate syrup
whipped cream

Put milk and ice cream in a blender.  Ask an adult to blend until smooth.  Remove the pitcher from the blender, then stir in 2 crushed chocolate-sandwich cookies.  Before serving the shake, drizzle some chocolate syrup down the inside of a glass.  Pour the shake into the glass and top with whipped cream.  Serves 1-2.

Next up on our must-try list:  Frozen Purple Cow shake (made with vanilla ice cream and grape juice) and fun variations on the traditional Ants-on-a-log.  If your American Girl is an animal lover, this issue is a must!  You can buy the single issue online , or subscribe for the entire year.

Disclosure: I received a sample copy from American Girl Magazine for review.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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