Say it with Cookies: Sweet Andy's Cookies for your Sweetheart!

This Valentine's Day, I don't want teddy bears.  I don't want roses.  I don't even want chocolates.  This Valentine's Day, I'm sinking my sweet tooth into Sweet Andy's Cookies.  They sent me a sample of their gigantic, moist, tender, chewy, buttery cookies a couple of weeks ago, and the whole family is hooked!

Like so many great products, Sweet Andy's started out as a labor of love.  The founder started baking cookies to give as Thank-You presents to everyone who had helped him and his wife out when they were going through some hard times.  Everyone loved the cookies and Andy found his calling!  It's really true that every cloud has a silver lining -- if it hadn't been for the economic downturn a few years ago, Sweet Andy's Cookies might not be around and we wouldn't be fighting over them.

Trust me, I am not exaggerating. They may be selling their cookies at delicatessens and stores now, but Sweet Andy's Cookies taste anything but commercial.  They are as homemade as you can get, without the burned bottoms or underbaked middles or any of the usual baking disasters.  They're like your grandmother's best cookies, only better, and you don't need a grandmother (mine can't even boil water) or a secret family recipe.

These cookies are so good, they earned the ultimate compliment from 3Po:

Mom, I love these cookies so much, I'm willing to use my own allowance to buy some for myself!

And trust me, given the pittance of an allowance that I give him, buying his own bag of Sweet Andy's Cookies would be a BIG investment for 3Po.  But totally worth it.  And if your income is higher than my 9 year-old's allowance, you won't have any problem affording Sweet Andy's Cookies:  They're only  $5.99 per bag of 5, plus $2 per bag shipping. That's just $1.60 per cookie, cheaper and way more delicious than anything you could get in a bakery!

Here are some photos for you to drool over:

The chocolate chip cookie is my favorite.  I love that it's soft in the middle and slightly crisp around the edges, and that it doesn't go overboard on the semi-sweet chocolate chips.

The sugar cookie is anything but boring.  It's so wonderfully moist and chewy!

Alfie likes Oatmeal Raisin the best.  He was willing to trade all his other Sweet Andy's Cookies in order to get the whole bag of Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for himself, but none of us would agree.

Sweet Andy's bakes 12 varieties of gourmet cookies:  Chocolate Chip, Mint Chocolate Chip, Triple Chip (semi-sweet chocolate, white chocolate & peanut butter), Oatmeal Raisin, Sugar, Chocolate, Lemon, Pumpkin, Cinnamon Sugar, Chocolate with peanut butter (actually it's crumbled bits of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, oh help me Lord!), Peanut Butter Chip, and White Chocolate with Macadamia Nuts -- so no matter what kind of cookie you like, you're covered.  I've tried the first 6 on this list and they are all terrific.

Hungry yet? I know, I know, just looking at these photos while writing this post made me want to buy more (the samples they sent us are long gone).  So I did!  I bought myself a sweet little Valentine's Day present: 6 varieties of Sweet Andy's Cookies, 5 cookies each kind.  This time I ordered the Lemon and Chocolate with Peanut Butter, and I can't wait to stuff them in my mouth!

One final note:  it must take a lot of butter to make these cookies taste so good, because the calories and fat content are breathtaking.  This is not the kind of cookie you can nibble on every day with your mid-morning cup of tea.  I'm told they freeze pretty well, so you can hide your stash in the freezer and let yourself have one every Sunday. And if you're going to splurge on calories, these are the cookies to splurge on.

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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