Nukotoys trading cards giveaway

As a Nukotoys Parents@Play Ambassador, I'm so happy to see their innovative, interactive iPad games get so much great reviews around the blogosphere., TIME for Kids,,   FastCompany and other noted publications have raved about the way Monsterology and Animal Planet Wildlands have successfully combined physical toys with virtual play.  Nukotoys was even awarded a "Best in Play" award by Parenting Magazine at the 2012 Toy Fair.

In case you don't know what all the fuss is about yet, Animal Planet Wildlands and Monsterology are two iPad apps that you can download for free.  In Animal Planet Wildlands, kids navigate through the African savannah, taking on the role of different animals as they learn fun facts, race other animals, solve puzzles, complete quests.  In Monsterology, kids battle each other in a mythical world based on the popular Monsterology books, using mythical monsters in a turn-based strategy game.  Both games come with a "starter set" of characters (animals or monsters) to play with -- but kids can purchase physical trading cards to expand their character set.

That's where the magic happens: kids can "tap in" their physical trading card by touching it to their iPad  screen... and the character represented in the physical card comes to life in the app!  It's really quite amazing, and kids have so much fun with it.  Not only do they get the pleasure of seeing their physical cards come to life as characters in the virtual world, they also get all the fun of collecting, trading and playing with cards.  (You can read more about the technology behind Nukotoys' cards and check out more photos in the rave review that I posted last year).  Or better yet, buy a set of cards for your child and check it out for yourself!  Or better still, enter my giveaway below -- I've got some extra trading cards to give away!

Win a set of Nukotoys trading cards
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will win 8 packs of Nukotoys trading cards -- 5 Animal Planet Wildlands packs, and 3 Monsterology packs, with 3 cards per pack.   I'm trying out Rafflecopter to manage this giveaway, so please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.  Giveaway ends midnight PST on March 5; good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. Items featured in the giveaway prize were given to me for previous work as a Nukotoys Parent Ambassador. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. Great information. Lucky me I ran across your blog by chance (stumbleupon).
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  2. elephants

    tiramisu392 (at)

  3. I'm waaaay into elephants!
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  4. Congratulations to the winner, bison61!
