All-natural makeup at Whole Foods

Even though she's only eleven, The Pea has gotten pretty good at putting makeup on her face.  Not only has she been raiding my makeup drawer during dress-up time since she was three, she has also been in numerous ballet and jazz performances.  She has been watching teenage ballerinas put their stage makeup on backstage since she was seven, and one or two years ago she and her best friend started trying to do it to each other, then to themselves.

Obviously, a face this young and gorgeous doesn't need any makeup in every day life.  Still, a girl can always use a few tips (and I'm sure it won't be long before The Pea starts wanting to wear some kind of makeup to school!), so The Pea was thrilled to accompany me to the Whole Foods Body store in Campbell for a tour of their all-natural makeup section and a complimentary makeover.

Yup, you heard me right, Whole Foods!  They're probably not the first place you'd think of when you want to buy makeup, but the whole concept of Whole Foods Body is to keep you healthy inside and out, including what you put on your hair and skin.  "Whole Foods" and "natural" go hand in hand, so who better to sell natural makeup?  Whole Foods carries great makeup brands like Dr. Hauschka, Juice Beauty, Mineral Fusion, Hemp Organics, Karma Gloss and more. In keeping with their philosophy, the beauty products at Whole Foods are never tested on animals.  Most contain a combination of plant-based and naturally-derived ingredients, pure essential oil fragrances, gentle preservatives and non-petroleum ingredients.

That's why I was more than happy to take The Pea along with me for a makeover.  I know Whole Foods has high standards for their products, so I was confident that the makeup used would be safe and gentle for her young skin.  She's going to have enough worries about clear skin in a couple of years without having cheap makeup clogging her pores!

Lest you think that natural makeup is limited to insipid shades or boring, earthy tones, our makeover artist Monica showed The Pea how to make her eyes really pop with a dramatic fuschia eyeshadow.  The Pea learned a lot about the basics of applying eyeshadow: a lighter shade to highlight the browbone, a deeper shade for the eye crease, a colorful highlight for the lid.  She's going to look awesome at her next ballet performance!

Even if The Pea's can't really be improved with makeup, my face, of course, is another story.  With my 40-year old skin, late night eyebags and ever-present acne, I can use all the help I can get.  Monica showed me how to use light-colored concealing mineral powder to brighten my eyes and hide dark circles under my eyes, and a slightly darker shade to camouflage acne spots.  Monica used Mineral Fusion makeup, and I was happy to see that they had the exact shade for my skin tone!  I also loved how light the makeup felt (the SPF+ factor naturally inherent in mineral makeup is another big bonus).  The biggest bonus was when we arrived home after our makeover and Alfie commented on how smooth my skin looked!

Given the high quality of the ingredients in the brands sold at Whole Foods, it's not surprising that the price points for all the makeup is more comparable to department store brands than drugstore brands.  Here's a little something that might help:  from Feb. 13 till 17, all Whole Foods stores in Northern Cali and Reno will be having a Valentine's makeup sale!  All makeup brands will be 30% off, so it's a great time to stock up!  They even have a pre-sale period until Feb. 12, so you can check out their makeup counter, choose your makeup and put it aside to pick up on or after Feb. 13.  That way, you can make sure the products you really want don't run out.   What a great way to prepare for that hot Valentines Day date!

Disclosure: I received a complimentary makeover and makeup goody bags for me and my daughter, courtesy of Whole Foods Body.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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