Born This Way Ball: Sharing every Monsterrific Moment with Skype

Holy Mother Monster!  I attended Lady Gaga's Born This Way Ball concert last night at the HP Pavilion San Jose, and it was the best big pop concert I've attended in over a decade.  Actually, it's the *only* big pop concert (i.e. huge venue, big production numbers with dancers, costume changes, sets, etc. versus smaller venues and musicians/singers rocking out with their bands) I've attended in over a decade!

It has been over a decade since I attended a big pop concert, so the biggest change I noticed at the concert were the number of people taking photos and videos -- it seems like everyone was holding up a smartphone or digital camera!  Thank goodness for modern technology!

Lady Gaga was in San Jose for one night only and the place was packed to the rafters, so naturally those of us lucky enough to attend the concert took every opportunity to celebrate and share our experience.   Fortunately, Skype, one of the Born This Way Ball concert sponsors, has come up with tons of ways to share every moment with family and friends!  If you're planning to watch Born This Way Ball (check out tour dates and locations, through March 2013), make sure you read all about it below:

Skype mobile app
Everyone knows that Skype is great for staying in touch with friends and family.  We have family across both oceans (my family is in the Philippines and Alfie's family is in the UK), so we are big fans of Skype!  With Skype, Alfie's parents can see my kids wearing the new pajamas that they were given for Christmas, and Jammy can greet my dad Happy Birthday by playing Happy Birthday on the keyboard as they watch.

And with the Skype mobile app, you don't have to limit yourself to telling your friends how amazing Lady Gaga is -- you can show them.  You can send photos, videos and IMs (great for coordinating concert meetups with friends) from the Born This Way Ball, or any other concert, for free.  You can share pictures and photos with multiple people at the same time, so you spend more time watching the concert and less time scrolling through your contacts list.

Skype blue carpet
Skype's blue carpet area is a great place to get that all-important "I Was There" photo because it has a great backdrop (featuring the Born This Way Ball poster) and the lighting is good.  Just hand your camera to the Skype representative and strike your best pose! If you forgot your camera or if you're saving the battery to take lots of photos and videos during the show, don't worry. The Skype rep will take a photo for you, and instantly send it right to your smartphone via Skype file sharing -- so make sure you've downloaded the Skype app to your phone and created a Skype account!

Skype video booth
Who doesn't love hamming it up with friends at a photo booth?  For the Born This Way Ball, Skype has gone one step further by providing a video booth where concertgoers can leave a video message for Lady Gaga.  You can check out some of the videos fans have made on the Skypeball website for each show on the tour.

After leaving a video message, the video booth also takes 4 photos and prints them out for you as a fun souvenir.  You can even download your photos and video from the Skypeball website using the unique code printed on your keepsake photo.

Skype reporter
At every show, look for the roaming Skype reporter!  You'll get the chance to show off your monsterrific outfit for the cameras, and a chance to get upgrades to the Monster Pit, which is the area right in front of the stage.  You'll be close enough almost to touch Lady Gaga -- or at least close enough to throw a jean jacket onto the stage -- hopefully Lady Gaga will pick it up and wear it (which happened twice at our concert)!

Even if you won't get the chance to attend, you can still share in the excitement and keep up with what's going on at the concert via Skype's social media channels.  You might even be able to win a prize or two, including tickets to a future Born This Way Ball show!

Follow @SkypeEvents on Twitter and keep an eye out for the #SkypeShare hashtag on concert nights; you'll get up-to-the-minute updates and get a chance to submit questions to Lady Gaga for her live pre-show group video call!

Check out photos and videos of the show on Skype's Tumblr account.

Enter the Skype Blue Carpet Pinterest Sweepstakes for the chance to win a Skype Prize Pack which includes a Skype Mobile Camera Lens, Skype Phone skin, Skype T-shirt and Skype phone credits and more. To enter, just repin any image from Skype's BTWBall Pinterest board.

SkypeBall Sweepstakes
Skype is giving away concert tickets to watch the Born This Way Ball, and to be Skype's official blue carpet reporter at one of the shows!  You can enter both sweepstakes at the SkypeBall website.

Disclosure: I received complimentary tickets to the Born This Way Ball and access to the Skype Suite for myself and my family, courtesy of Skype.  I was not required to write, nor was I compensated for, this post.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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