Join RMHC and Give the Gift of Togetherness

More than 11,500 moms, dads, brothers, sisters and grandparents find compassion and healing within the walls of our Ronald McDonald Houses and Ronald McDonald Family Rooms every day. There they find caring, supportive staff and volunteers, home-cooked meals, relaxing living spaces, comfortable beds, and a vital support network to give them strength so they can help their child heal.

But to serve more families and keep their programs running strong, they need help. Simply put, their big job of keeping families together can’t get done without your support. No way. So from November till the end of December, RMHC is launching a Gift of Togetherness campaign to rally people around the most meaningful gift of all this holiday season – the gift of family. The campaign’s hero is a little red ribbon, helping to illustrate and share RMHC family stories and the impact you can have in your community and globally. On, through their e-newsletter and direct mail, through the media waves, and even in print, RMHC is spreading the word and we really hope we can recruit your voice to help.

Ronald McDonald House Charities has a lofty goal – they need to raise $1 million to support RMHC and its Chapters by the end of the year. Here are five simple ways that people can give back to RMHC this holiday season.

Visit to learn more about the Gift of Togetherness: watch the feature story, which tells the story of the Maley family, and then watch several other RMHC family testimonials. You will also be able to learn how your donations add up, start a Group Give fundraising page, and then share your experience with friends and family.

Donate – even the smallest amount goes a long way in giving families comfort, hope and healing.
Start your own Group Give fundraising page benefiting RMHC or your favorite RMHC Chapter. Ask your family and friends to get involved and demonstrate strength in numbers in your network.

* Use your Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages to spread the word about the campaign – share the Maley video, share the campaign imagery, share how your support of RMHC helps give families the gift of togetherness all year long, and invite others to get involved.

* Add this signature to your email messages from November 1 through December 31. (Depending on what version of Outlook you have, you should be able to change your signature, adding the image below by clicking on Tools/Options/Mail Format/Stationery.)

Disclosure: Full text for this post was provided by McDonalds via the Family Arches Community. I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post -- I just RMHC is a worthwhile cause.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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