The Art of Silliness Review and Giveaway

We'll be taking a few long trips over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and now that my kids are older, I've stopped stressing out about occupying their time.  Well, sort of.  They're old enough to amuse themselves on a 6-hour car trip or 12-hour plane ride -- the problem is, their preferred form of amusement is likely to involve a screen and batteries.

It's not that I'm against videogames or any form of electronic entertainment, it's just that for trips that long, I don't think it's healthy to be staring at a screen the whole time!  So I have to make sure they balance their time between watching movies or playing electronic games and reading a book, drawing, solving a crossword puzzle or just staring out the window and daydreaming.  Come to think of it, I probably need to do that for myself as well!  My kids aren't the only ones known to stare at a screen for hours on end :)

One book that's going to make it easier for me to do just that is illustrator Carla Sonheim's new book, The Art of Silliness, which goes on sale tomorrow, November 6.  It's an activity book that lets everyone rediscover their creative side through fun doodles and drawings.  Each page has a different creative drawing challenge.  Some test your motor skills, like drawing a bicycle without lifting your pencil from paper, or drawing something with your non-dominant hand.  Some test your memory, like  drawing something from memory, or drawing something with your eyes closed.  Some test your imagination, like finishing a doodle or blob.

I loved drawing as a child, so this book was perfect for me.  My kids also like to draw, so we are all enjoying the book.  3Po wants everyone to do the activities on separate sheets of paper instead of drawing directly in the book, so we can keep doing each activity forever :)

What a great way to rediscover your creativity and spend some quality time with your kids! Something tells me that for this holiday trip, our journey might be almost as fun as our destination.

About the book
THE ART OF SILLINESS offers dozens of fun, engaging ideas and activities that will encourage all readers to rediscover the childlike joys of letting the imagination – and pencil – roam freely. Whether you want to jumpstart, rediscover or further your creative pursuits, this book will help you flex your creative muscles. From drawing upside down to imagining new worlds, THE ART OF SILLINESS will inspire everyone to get in touch with their creative side.
Examples include:

“Draw a dog pretending to be a horse pretending to be a chicken.”
“Scribble all over these two pages for five minutes straight.”
“Draw five bicycles from your imagination, using only one line.”

Win The Art of Silliness
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a copy of Carla Sondheim's The Art of Silliness.

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me how you or your kids like to pass the time in a plane or car.

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For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

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I entered the Art of Silliness giveaway!

6) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once a day (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Enter to win The Art of Silliness drawing and doodle book ! Giveaway ends Nov. 26 at  #giveaways

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on November 26, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on November 27 and post their name after they confirm acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: I received an advance copy of the book to review courtesy of the Penguin Group. Giveaway prize was also provided by the Penguin Group.  Product information (in italics) is provided by the Penguin Group.. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. Yay, awesome giveaway! Thank for the chance to win this amazing book! :)

  2. I like to pass the time traveling with a pen and journal!

  3. I tweeted!

  4. I doodle and do crossword puzzles and sudokus. Yea Carla.

  5. I love Carla's classes. When I'm traveling, I often read or do puzzles - it's often too bumpy for drawing. My kids are older now, so it's usually movies on the computer or sleeping.

  6. Have followed Carla's work for quite a while and would love to win a copy of her new book.

  7. I read a book to pass the time - or doodle on a postcard.

  8. hoping to win copy for my grandkids. They'll love this. (

  9. Great idea for a road trip! I do an afterschool program with middle schoolers - Looks like some of these activities would be ideal for them. Thanks for the chance to win!

  10. Generally, I've been the driver on long driving trips and about 10 years ago fell in love with audiobooks. The first few Harry Potter books I "read" that way. [fortunately, there WAS another driver on those trips so when Jim Dale, the narrator who is just wonderful, would inadvertently put me to sleep, I was safe!!!]

    I don't have a car anymore so I use the bus and those two funny looking things at the end of my legs. I still listen to audiobooks, or sometimes just music, but I find that it is really quiet amazing/amusing to imagine stories about people I see, clouds in the sky, or cracks and blobs on the sidewalk. These last couple I credit Carla Sonheim for!!

    Safe travels and enJOY!!

  11. I love all of carla books and have taken several of her online workshops -- she is a true inspiration -- I pass the time on car rides by knitting, reading and sketching. I hope I win -- if not I will certainly buy the book -- I have her first book and imaginary animals and they are great --

  12. wow, thanx for the opportunity to win the book, luv carla's art style.
    travelling by car .. trying to make words out of the car plates.
    joan in italy

  13. I love Carla's ideas. My children are older but when the were young we did a lot of making up songs based on what we saw around us and played 20 was great for helping our organizational thinking skills.
    would love to win this book as I make crazy curious creature paintings in ink and watercolor and love a life filled with fun and friends and silliness. Even had a crazy birds party a few weeks ago.

  14. This year, I am using an art piece that I did from Carla's Silliness Class, so I'm super excited!

    Car activities include a visual treasure hunt and divided for children for whichever side of the car they are sitting on. You can also get points for multiples, or deductions for certain items.

    My favorite plane activity is taking pics of the earth below, and then using the shapes to make into something else later. The photos don't have to be in focus.

    Of course I would love a copy of Carla's latest book so that I could gift it to my very creative granddaughter.

    Savannah Dawn O'Brien

  15. Carla has such great ideas! I've taken a few of her classes and would love to win her activity book :). When my children were younger we would play I Spy games as we were driving, or looking for certain coloured cars etc.. This would have been a great activity for traveling or any time for that matter.

  16. Savannah again.......I didn't finish my sentence, silly me.

    I'm using a Silly Class artwork that I did for my Holiday cards. Yay!

    Savannah O'Brien.
    Last post has my info.

  17. I've been blessed with a daughter who was content to stare out the window for hours on end, interrupted occaisonally by asking me to make up a song about something silly. Now she reads or engages me in great conversations. We're both looking forward to playing with Carla's books.

  18. I usually bring along my sketchbook and various art supplies. Also I'd love to win Carla's book!

  19. hello,
    this book sounds wonderful! It also sounds like an awesome thing to take on a trip for any age.

    my son is 32... he might like this. he also would still be playing video games or watching a movie on a long flight.

    me, I would be drawing silly things:-)
    thank you for the chance to win.

  20. I hadn't thought about using this book as an activity for travel - -but what a great idea. For Thanksgiving just three of my kids are traveling to South Dakota to Illinois with me. All three could share this book!!!! What a great idea. Other than that the two teens will have their ipods and probably their school iPads and the 11 year old will be playing with her little toys.....

  21. Thanks for the opportunity. And Hurray for blog giveaways. I am curious about Carla's book, and I lovehow we find new blogs to read.

    I am so with you on the idea that looking at screens all the time is not a good idea. In fact when our son was 11 there was a health worker at our school who mentioned that kids that spend considerable amounts of time sitting before computer screens will experience the following effect:
    -their body changes, some chemicals will be released less in their body, which are normally help us to get to sleep; so they sleep less (consider what that does to them?); en which had a long term effect effect of bringing on puberty earlier (!).

    I had always felt kids need playing outside, and they need to change activities regularly.
    So when in the car we bring: cartoon books, listening books, we play word games together; and when there is a stop, we used to play with balls or at a playground.

    When we prepare for a long trip with our 13-year old, of course we prepare for some screen time.

    Best of luck with your blog! I will start follwing yours (from my own).

  22. Woops, I am not a US resident - so I will not be able to enter. Best of luck to the others then!

  23. On my journeys I really like to sit and ponder which way I am going to go with my artwork. But, if I want to play I use Carla's sidewalk cracks idea. It's really fun.

  24. Oh gosh...I don't do planes...and when in the car, I am the one driving. I do think if I was the passenger I would be doodling or crocheting! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  25. I don't have kids, buy I like to pass the time in a plane or car by listening to podcasts. : D

  26. I love Carla's approach to drawing and creating art! Our kids and grandkids like playing the game of scribbling a shape on a folded third of a paper, then passing it hidden to the next person, and finally to someone who finished the drawing on the bottom third of the sheet. Open it up and Voila, usually a humorous, creative surprise picture!

  27. My daughter is grown and lives across the country. While on the long plane trip, I would love to have this book to stop the mind numbing blur of flying. My journal would be singing!

  28. My daughter is grown and lives across the country. While on the long plane trip, I would love to have this book to stop the mind numbing blur of flying. My journal would be singing!

  29. You inspire me! I want this book! ;)

  30. I also have taken Carla's classes online and loved her "Art of Silliness" classes. It would be terrific to win a copy. I am now following you on Pinterest and pinned you on my creative idea page. Tried to become a follower of your blog but I couldn't connect.

  31. Daydreaming, cloud watching, birding, doodling, rhyming games, crossword puzzles, cuddling, ... it depends on the length of the trip as to how many of these I do!! Thanks for a chance to win a great book from a great artist!!

  32. This is great!

    On long rides my siblings and I would play I-spy games.. with anything inside or outside the car that we could see. This made it interesting because our objects couldn't change (or would they)...

  33. You have been "pinned"...

  34. I have sketchbooks for every trip and I draw with sharpies, etc. I love drawing on the plane, things like seat backs, seat belt buckles, signs, etc.

  35. Most of the time when we are traveling we take several light weight books that we can leave on the plane when we are finished for the next person to read. I don't know why but we have never gotten into the electronic devices during travel. We also play I Spy and other road games and travel board games.

  36. My 10 year old daughter and I took several of Carla's Silly classes together & we both loved them! She passes her time in the car finger knitting scarves.

  37. now i'm following you on pinterest!

  38. so, i really want this book...just like you on FB!

  39. now i'm getting kind of tired...last one today following you on twitter & RT'ed you're fun contest!

  40. In preparation of long car rides each family member burns a CD of music that fits into a specific theme. We then listed to the CDs on the car ride and make a game out of guessing each person's "theme"

  41. I love Carla Sonheim and Have been waiting for this book to come out.. thanks for the chance to win it :-)

  42. Would love a chance to win this book as I teach sketchbook jounralling to kids (and adults) of all ages and this would be brilliant to have in my reference library... okay... I'd love a copy for myself! Thanks
    Shena Meadowcroft

  43. We like to read books, play games

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  44. pinned(

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  45. Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweeted(

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  46. Lots of coloring and card games on planes

  47. Michele Daley Pinterest follower

  48. Carla is just brilliant. I would love a chance to win her newest book. I get sick if I try to read, etc. in the car so I'm just happy to watch the scenery pass by....

  49. Car travel is a great spot to really talk with my son. He can't escape. Unless, he wants to jump out of a speeding vehicle. Sorry...seriously, we do talk...but mostly we sing to Frank Sinatra songs with all our gusto.

    PS I know Carla and she is so super talented...hmmm, do any of her animals sing to Frank?

  50. We pass the time by singing, playing silly games, or watching movies on the portable DVD player. Thanks.

  51. follow you on blogger

  52. When my children were young and we went somewhere, we would try and make 18 wheelers honk at us, talk about what we were going to do when we got where we were going, and just talk about whatever came to mind.

  53. Oh my, 3Po sounds just like me - I would do the exercises outside the book too! We travel quite often by car and will admit to using screens (and a portable DVD player), reading in the car makes both of us nauseous but a second way to pass the time is singing to music. When my son was younger it was Fred Penner CDs, now I've started him on a diet of Beatles and some of my older favourites though. Gotta love Carla!

  54. We love listening to audio books. It's a great way to get a non-reader involved. Love Carla!

  55. My children are all grown now so you might not count me, but I will tell you how we did it back before all the electronic stuff...sing, we played games. And i always had coloring books crayons and paper. I would love to win this . nadine

  56. my favorites while traveling is sleeping. when that is not possible, i grab my laptop with lots of things to do on it, from games to looking through idea files for mixed media projects.

  57. Please enter me in the giveaway! When I was a kid, I once passed the time in the car by putting gum in my sister's hair. Not good.
    I hope I win the book.

    lrbrake at gmail dot com

    thank you

  58. What a great book, and a chance to win, too? yea.
    In the car, we sing. In a plane, we eat, draw, color, sudoku, snack. Glad to find your blog, too.

  59. we bring books and sing alot!

    tiramisu392 (at)

  60. We talk and draw. He loves video games. We both enjoy reading.

  61. Our daughters like to color, draw, read books, watch a movie, use a measuring tape, sleep and play games!

  62. Traveling is always good if I can sing, and even better if others will sing along with me.

  63. I like to listen to comedians! Keeps me laughing and helps the time fly!
    wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

  64. A good book is a tried and true form of entertainment to pass the time!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  65. I pinned this!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  66. I LIKE you on Facebook (Heather S Chaffer), and I wrote on your wall!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  67. My son loves to play I Spy!

  68. tweeted( 11/19

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  69. Tweet!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  70. Congratulations to the winner: #43, Shena M!
