Store your Stuff in Style with Caboodles

Can you believe it, Caboodles is 25 years old!  Remember Caboodles? They were the beauty organizer that everyone had, or had to have.  My sister and I shared one, and it looked like this, only in teal and purple:
We kept our hair clips, ribbons and scrunchies inside (remember that other 80's beauty staple, the Scünci?), along with various tubs of Dippity-Doo hairgel, brushes, combs and our curling iron (because crimped hair was soooo It those days).   When I look back at our hair, I cringe -- probably the only thing that has stood the test of time is the Caboodles case itself.  Caboodles are still as fashionable and functional as they were 25 years ago!

In case you think the 80's are a decade best left forgotten (I happen to agree on that, and if you don't, I have 2 words for you: mullet hairdo) Caboodles has kept up with the times, and their product lineup has cases and organizer of all shapes, sizes and prices.  Check out their 2012 holiday lineup:

They are all adorable, but I have a special place in my heart for the last one: the My First Love, a limited edition vintage case from 1987.  Caboodles was nice enough to send me one of their My First Love cases, and it was like I was back in the eighties.  The boxy shape, geometric font, Miami Vice pink and silver clasp are pure 80's.

It holds a ton of stuff -- The Pea has commandeered it to organize her extensive nail care collection:

The funny thing is, The Pea LOVES the 80's and all the neon colors (half of her polish colors are 80's inspired), so she's the perfect owner for this case.  Her dad is shocked that she has amassed so many bottles of nail polish, but hey, she's a preteen girl.  As one rather famous 80's icon put it, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!  Thank goodness it's all in her Caboodles case and not littered all over our bathroom!

Disclosure: I received a sample Caboodles for review. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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