Relive the fun of the movie with Wreck It Ralph Storybook Deluxe

We watched Disney's Wreck It Ralph over Thanksgiving weekend, and even though I don't really play video games (I leave that to my kids!), I thought the movie was excellent.  The kids enjoyed seeing their favorite video game characters on screen and left the theatre wishing there were really a Sugar Rush game.

Good news for the kids:  Disney Publishing's Wreck It Ralph Storybook Deluxe actually does have the Sugar Rush racing game!   You can build your own candy racing kart by selecting a base model, adding wheels and a tail spoiler, then decorating it with icing and sprinkles.

If you choose to save your candy kart creation (BTW once you save the kart I have no idea how to delete it), it becomes a selection option for the Sugar Rush game.      You can also choose to drive the candy karts of Vanellope, Taffyta, Rancis, Candlehead or Adorableeze.  Then choose from a variety of race tracks (Easy, Medium, Difficult) and you're off to the races!

Here I am in Sugar Rush, racing against Vanellope, Taffyta and the rest of the gang in the kart I created.  You tilt the iPad from side to side to guide your kart through obstacles and around bends, tilt it forward to speed up.  You also receive speed boosts when you collect candies.  You can also monitor your position in the race via the little TV icon on the top right of the screen.  Kids who are used to Mario Kart and other sophisticated racing games will find this a bit simple, but just being able to race in Sugar Rush is actually going to be a big rush for your kids after they've seen the movie!

Of course, that's not all you can do in this app: it's also a storybook, so you and your child can relive all the fun of the Wreck It Ralph Story.  You can have a narrator read the story out loud, record your own voice reading the story, or turn off narration and have your child read it on his or her own.  The book using voice clips using the original voice actors from the movie (Sarah Silverman, John C. Reilly, etc..) and visuals are stunning, just as good as the movie -- in fact, the book plays short clips of scenes from the movie as you tap the screen to get the story moving along.

Here's a fun tip: watch out for Vanellope's head hovering around the edges of your iPad.

If you tap on Vanellope's head, she'll pop up on your screen and say something!

This app doesn't have drawing features or mini puzzle games like most of the other Disney Deluxe Storybooks, but the Sugar Rush game makes up for that.  There is a free Fix It Felix app and a premium version for 99 cents, but neither have the Sugar Rush racing game (the 99-cent app has a Sugar Rush game but it's a race to climb peppermint trees).   I love this app and highly recommend it for Wreck It Ralph fans.

Disclosure:  I received a free download of Wreck It Ralph Storybook Deluxe o facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. This app looks great! Thanks for the review, I am downloading it now. The kids are excited. :)

  2. I wonder if this works for Kindle fire???
