Personalize your holidays with Personal Creations

We live half a world away from my parents, so every year I like to get them some kind of personalized photo gift for the holidays, just a little something to remind them that even though we're far away, we're always thinking of them.

So far, all the presents I've given them have featured photos plastered on some product -- a calendar, mug, tote bag or magnet.  But this year I realized that a personalized present doesn't even include a photo -- it can be just as unique and personal even without a photo.  The simple act of adding a person's name to a present makes it extra-special, because the gift recipient knows that the present was made for him and him alone.  For example, why not personalize a photo frame? Check out these beautiful personalized photo frames from

Or how about a holiday stocking? Are these Long Johns not hilarious?

Or what about an ornament?  Personal Creations gave me the chance to review some of their personalized gifts, so I jumped at the chance to present my parents with something unique and specially personalized just for them.  My initial idea was to create holiday tree ornament with all the grandkids' names.  We gave our parents one of these ornaments a few years ago and they loved it (it still hangs on their tree!) but since then my brother has had another daughter, so my parents need an updated ornament with their latest granddaughter included!  My favorite was the Family in Bed ornament:

Unfortunately, you can only add up to five family members, and there are now 8 grandkids, so I had to find something else.  To my regret, I discovered that none of the ornaments will fit 8 -- the most I could do would be 7, with the Gingerbread Family ornament:

Oh, the trials and tribulations of having a large family!  But there is a happy ending to the story, because I discovered the Little Helpers Platter:

It's a ceramic platter that can be personalized with up to TWELVE whimsical elf characters.  When you order, you specify whether you want each character to be a girl or a boy, and type in the name(s) you want.  You can also personalize the item -- I used "Lolo" and "Lola", which means grandpa and grandma in Filipino, so the platter says "Lolo's and Lola's Little Helpers".   What's more, the platter comes packed securely in a styrofoam-lined box, so I can pack it in our suitcase feeling confident that it won't come out of a 14-hour airplane ride with a huge crack down the middle (I was worried I'd have to handcarry it!).

I couldn't be happier with this gift!  Well, actually I could.  I wish I could have been able to specify whether the elf was dressed in green or red (3Po loves green and Jammy loves red, and it just so happened that they were assigned the opposite elf colors), and I wish the platter could be used for more than just decoration.  If you heat or wash the platter, the personalized decal will come off, so the most you can do is wipe the platter.  Still, it's an adorable keepsake, and I can't wait to see my parents' faces when my kids give this to them!

As an added bonus, the platter was so reasonably priced, I had a bit left over to buy stocking stuffers for my 3 kids!  Personal Creations sells a variety of Webkinz stuffed animals decorated with personalized ribbons tied around their necks.  I was thrilled to see the Webkinz Reindeer, Minty Moose and Peppermint Puppy available for the holidays!  My kids ADORE Webkinz, and these seasonal animals are extremely difficult to find.

Each Webkinz animal can be personalized with 2 messages, 1 for each end of the ribbon.  I put "Merry Christmas" on one end, and the child's name on the other end.  Shhhh, don't say anything, but these are going into their holiday stockings -- I'm sure my kids will be thrilled to see that Santa took the time to label each stuffie with their name!

Check out all the neat and sweet personalized gift ideas on Personal Creations -- and don't forget to pass by the Personal Creations' coupons and discounts page before you order!  They always feature great deals like free shipping, a percentage off your order and more.

Disclosure: I received a gift card to so I could review a selection of their products. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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