Instagram Profiles are now on the Web!

I'm so glad to see that Instagram web profiles are now available on the web!  Now you don't need a mobile device to follow people, "like" their photos or leave comments on their photos.

I'm really enjoying the new web profiles because now I get to see everyone's beautiful photos in a larger size! And I'm loving everyone's Instagram profile headers, which feature an ever-changing collage of photos selected from the user's Instagram timeline!  Many Instagram users have thousands of photos, so it gives me a chance to see and enjoy some of their oldies but goodies.

Of course, the best thing about it is that people who don't have a smart phone, or don't want to put Instagram app on their phones, or don't have enough bandwidth on their mobile phone plan to be constantly checking Instagram on their phones, can now follow people on Instagram and view their photos, via the web.   If you're a follower of Bonggamom Finds -- via Google, email subscription, Facebook, Pinterest, whatever -- please consider following me on Instagram as well!  I'd love to follow you back -- and if you follow me on Instagram, it's going to be worth an extra 5 entries in my giveaways through 2012!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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