Get a free personalized greeting card from Treat

Thanksgiving Day is Thursday:  do you plan to send someone a Thanksgiving card? How about a Christmas or Chanukah or New Year's card?  Anyone you know having a birthday or anniversary soon?  Now is the time to check out Treat's personalized card services, because Treat is treating you to a free personalized greeting card!

For those of you who don't know Treat, it's Shutterfly's new greeting card brand that lets people create and send personalized greeting cards for any occasion: holidays, birthdays, congratulations, thank yous, anniversaries, graduations and everything in between. It's super easy and and you get a one-of-a-kind card that lets your loved ones feel just as unique and special as they are.

What: One FREE Treat Card


When: Offer is good on Monday Nov. 19 and Tuesday Nov. 20.

How:  Use code TREATBLOGR

Enjoy your free Treat card!

Disclosure:I will be receiving a credit for free Treat cards as a thank-you for sharing this information.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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