Channing Tatum is PEOPLE Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive

YES -- I was right!  Channing Tatum is PEOPLE Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive!  In last week's PEOPLE Magazine post I invited readers to speculate who would be the Chosen One, and suggestions ranged widely,  from Hugh Jackman to Alex O'Loughlina to Usher.  A couple of days ago I was at CVS, and saw something that put a smile on my face:

Finally, the wait is over, and the rumors are true:  it's Channing Tatum.  I quickly grabbed the magazine and spent a leisurely couple of hours after the kids went to bed, leafing through the magazine.  Trust me, it's a great way to unwind!

Channing Tatum isn't the only eye candy inside PEOPLE Magazine's pages.  The issue is full of gorgeous guys.  I really love the "Sexy At Every Age" spread, showing that a gorgeous guy is a gorgeous guy, whether he's 20 or 30 or 40 or 50. I'm grateful for the 40s and 50s section so I don't have to feel like a total cougar or a perv!

As I leafed through the pages I found myself swooning over the cutest guy of all-- Reese Witherspoon's new son Tennessee!  PEOPLE Magazine's celebrity baby photo section is one of my favorites, and it's one section I never skip.

Another of my favorite sections are the stories of every day heroes overcoming hardships or making a difference in their community.  This issue features Lauren Scruggs, a 24 year-old blogger who's bravely adjusting to a new normal after losing her left hand and eye -- and nearly her life -- in a propeller accident.  Her story is so inspiring, and it's stories like these that make me want to open up PEOPLE Magazine and read it from cover to cover.  Well, her and Magic Mike.

Disclosure: This is a compensated post.  This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™, but all my opinions are my own 

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