Wearables Review and Giveaway

Much as I love Halloween and dressing up for Trick-or-Treat, every year I dread the thought of shelling out big bucks for a Halloween costume.  I used wait till November to buy Halloween costumes on sale and convince them to wear it next year, but now that they're older, they have definite opinions about what they want to be -- and they don't make up their minds until October!  We've had some success at homemade costumes, but I don't have the patience and the time to turn that big cardboard box into a mailbox/R2D2/robot/iPhone.

Fortunately, there's a new alternative -- Wearables, a do-it-yourself costume that is part costume, part craft and all fun.   There are 3 models -- Stunt Plane, Princess Carriage and Dozer -- that kids can color and decorate, assemble with mom and dad's help, and wear as a 3-D costume!  Wearables are made of sturdy cardboard, and they're pre-cut, so they assemble easily and look great.   They cost under $30, so they're budget friendly, and kids of all ages love them -- including my own boys! Wearables sent us the Stunt Plane to review, and here's why they loved it so much:

1) Kids can  turn the plane into an art project, and decorate it way they want. I love toys that get kids' creative juices flowing!  3Po and Jammy decided to make a rainbow-colored plane.  They started out with markers but ran out of ink (it's a big plane!), so they finished it off with watercolor paints.  It was a task that fully absorbed them over 2 sessions,  for several hours each, and they enjoyed every minute of it!  Wearables also makes a Princess Carriage for girls, and I can totally imagine little girls decorating it with glitter glue and stickers.   Even better, this is one art and craft project that won't sit on a shelf after it's finished......

2)  Kids can wear the plane as a Halloween or dress-up costume.  My boys felt like they were a bit too old to wear the plane as a costume and zoom around the garden pretending to fly the plane -- they are 8, after all!   But this kind of imaginative play would be PERFECT for kids age 3-5, and if 3Po and Jammy had been preschoolers, I know they would be have been so excited to "fly" this plane for Halloween.

3) Kids can use the plane as a prop in their pretend play.  This was the BIG surprise.  The boys may not want to wear the plane for Halloween, but they quickly discovered another use for it -- as a plane for their stuffies!   3Po and Jammy still love playing with stuffed animals.  They pretend their teddy bears, cows, turtles, sharks, and other stuffed animals are ninjas or knights or superheroes the same way other boys play with Lego minifigures or Playmobil figures.  And this plane was the perfect size to transport their stuffies!  They even named the plane Sniffles' and Snuffles' Spitfire, after their twin teddy bears :)

Check out how much fun they are having with the Wearables plane!

One thing to note:  assembly should definitely by performed or supervised (in the case of older kids) by an adult.  Even 3Po and Jammy, at age 8, asked me to help them go over the instructions and make sure they understood it correctly.  More importantly, even though it's made of sturdy cardboard, it's still cardboard, and the tabs might rip if you were to force them (as any overenthusiastic kid would do), rather than gently guide/wiggle them into their proper slots.  The 2 wing pieces received quite a few knocks and bends since they are long and thin.  But honestly, even if some parts do tear, it's nothing that masking tape or duct tape can't fix.

Here's some information about Wearables:

It’s a whole new way to create a one-of-a-kind 3-dimensional costume. Wearables™ by Kid Constructions™ feature multiple die-cut corrugated pieces that children use to create, construct and wear their own creations. All the elements combine for a creative crafting experience that gives kids a chance to put their own unique stamp on Halloween.

Buckled up in the Bulldozer with its front-loading plow, a child becomes a construction vehicle operator. Strapped into the Princess Carriage with its treasure chest and pony, a child transforms into a dazzling princess. With each Wearable children can take on a different imaginary role.

Priced at under $30, Wearables are the perfect solution for a budget friendly Halloween costume.

Wearables are available at Toys R Us, Toysrus.com, and Amazon.com.

Win a Wearables costume kit
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will win a randomly selected Wearables kit!

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me which Wearables costume (the plane, dozer or carriage) your child would most enjoy.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

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4) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (1 entry -- you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this page!).

5) "Like Bonggamom Finds" on Facebook and write this on my wall (1 entry):
I entered the Wearables giveaway!

6) Like Wearables on Facebook and write this on their wall (1 entry):

I entered to win a Wearables costume kit on Bonggamom Finds!  Giveaway ends October 15 at http://bit.ly/ShA69q

7) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once a day (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Enter to win a Wearables costume/craft kit from @KCWearables http://bit.ly/ShA69q #giveaways #Halloween

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on October 15, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on October 16 and post their name after they confirm acceptance. Continental US  residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here

Disclosure:  I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information (in italics) and giveaway prize were provided by Wearables. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. My daughter would like the plane!

  2. Carriage

  3. follow you on blogger

  4. the plane

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  5. I would get the dozer for my son

  6. I'd really like one of these. The airplane is so cool!

  7. My Nephew would love the Plane!!


  8. I liked Wearables on Facebook(Tami Simoneaux) Left a comment on their Wall


  9. Facebook Fan of Yours(Tami Simoneaux)
    Left a comment on Your Wall


  10. I follow You on Blogger(Tami Vollenweider)


  11. Congratulations to the winner: #7, Angela!
