Red Envelope: unique, stylish gifts for weddings, showers and other occasions

About 15 years ago I was attending weddings right and left.  The flow of wedding invites has slowed down, but it's about to pick up once again because I have a bunch of younger cousins in their late 20's who are getting engaged and married.  So it's time for me to check out Red Envelope, for the most unique, elegant wedding presents out there.  Red Envelope has beautiful shower presents for the bride, thank-you tokens for the wedding party, and  wedding gifts for the happy couple. Red Envelope will wrap the present up beautifully, and you can even set the delivery date you want, so you can purchase a present as soon as you get the wedding invite, then have it delivered without worrying about being late or forgetting it entirely.  Here's a rundown on my favorite items from Red Envelope's Wedding Page:

For the couple -- the chance to hold their own sweet celebration after everyone has left and they're finally by themselves.

For the bride -- a beautiful cashmere throw to wrap her up in warm wishes and love.

For the groom -- a pocket watch to make sure he isn't late for his very important date!

For the wedding party -- a sweet treat to nibble on just before the show begins

For the bridesmaids -- a beautiful necklace, to thank them for all the years of friendship and support

Even if you're not part of the wedding party, don't forget that there's nothing wrong with getting a little something from Red Envelope for yourself!  Wedding guests have to look good, right?  Red Envelope gave me the chance to review one of their products, so I chose this gorgeous Amazonite Statement Necklace:

It the perfect accessory for my new blue dress -- simple, elegant and understated.  Okay, the huge hunk of amazonite isn't understated, but since I'm fairly tall, I can pull it off!  The antique gold chains set off the stone so nicely.  The next time I get invited to a wedding, this necklace is tops on my list of what to wear!

Don't forget to check out Red Envelopes latest coupons and promotions before you start shopping!

Disclosure: I was given the chance to review a complimentary product from The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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