ONEHOPE helps provide mammograms to women in need

Did you know that when breast cancer is detected early, survival rate is 98%?  ONEHOPE Chardonnay donates HALF of their Chardonnay profits to the National Breast Cancer Foundation all year long, helping provide mammograms to women in need.   In addition....

1. For every Hope at Home private wine-tasting event booked in October, ONEHOPE will donate 1 mammogram to a woman in need through the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

2. Each of these Facebook pages -- Hope at Home, ONEHOPE Weddings, ONEHOPE Wine --  are donating $1 for each new like received this month. Every $100 = 1 mammogram funded. You can easily donate $3 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation by liking these 3 pages.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. All information on this post was provided by ONEHOPE.

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