Nominate a Pink Power Mom

Do you know someone who has battled, or is battling breast cancer with strength and dignity?  There's still time to nominate her as a Pink Power Mom!

Think globally, act locally: this is the concept behind the Pink Power Mom program, which is now accepting nominations for its 2012 contest to select eight deserving moms in local communities throughout the U.S. The program, part of the Kids II Foundation, honors mothers who are breast cancer survivors and powerful role models in their community. The Kids II Foundation was created by the company to make a difference in the lives of children and families in the areas in which employees work and live. Its largest and most impactful initiative is the Pink Power Mom program.

Pink Power Moms are inspirations to their families, friends and others battling breast cancer because of their resilient spirit and perseverance in the face of adversity. Every year, Kids II celebrates eight mothers who have battled breast cancer and dedicated themselves to helping others in the fight.

Friends and families are invited to nominate a mother who has been an inspiration throughout her battle with cancer. This year marks the first time the program will be open to self-nominations from those who believe they should be a Pink Power Mom.

Submissions are now open and will be accepted through Oct. 31, 2012. To nominate a mom or yourself, go to

Each of the eight women selected as Pink Power Mom will receive $5,000 for the breast cancer charity of her choice as well as a weekend of pampering, education and luxurious gifts. Each mom will also receive a legacy donation of $1,000 each year for the next four years.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post.Program information is provided by Kids II via CMM PR, and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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