Make a Difference with Freschetta

A couple of days ago, I posted about ways that an individual can help in the fight to end breast cancer.  It might seem like it's beyond any one person to make a difference, but there ARE ways you can help! Here are 3 ways Freschetta Pizza is giving everyone to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer:

Share a Story
Have you, or someone you know, demonstrated THE STRENGTH OF 1™ in the battle against breast cancer? If so, share the story of how they are making a difference. Freschetta pizza will make a donation to the charity of the winners' choice.

Take the Pledge
Pledge to make a difference today and get a coupon for $1 off your next FRESCHETTA® pizza.

Tweet the Message
Between October 1 and October 8, spread the word to help The Strength of 1™ initiative to make a difference. Change your Twitter profile photo to The Strength of 1™ badge, and tweet @Freschetta with hashtag #Strengthof1 and tell them how you would use $500 to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.  You could win $500 - and a matching donation to Bright Pink® in your name.

For more information, and to get started, visit Freschetta's Strength of 1 Facebook app.

Now through the end of October, 2012, the makers of Freschetta® pizza are helping to promote breast cancer awareness through their new The Strength of 1™ campaign, which includes sponsoring Bright Pink, the only national non-profit organization focusing on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women, while providing support to high-risk individuals. The mission of this The Strength of 1™ initiative is to inspire everyone to realize they can make a difference in some way in the fight against breast cancer.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. I'm simply sharing Freschetta's program because I think it's a good one.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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