Introducing Nonni's Salted Caramel Biscotti

Have you heard of the term "elevenses"? It's what the English use to describe a little snack that goes with their midmorning cup of tea to tide them over till lunchtime (in the UK and Europe, people tend to eat lunch at 1:30 or 2:00, so they have their "elevenses" at 11:00!).  I've just discovered the best "elevenses" ever:  Nonni's Salted Caramel Biscotti.  I love caramel, and I love salted caramel even more, so when Nonni's offered to send me a box of their newest biscotti flavor, I knew I would love it.  I didn't know that I would find myself totally hooked.

The top of the biscotti is drizzled with chocolate and sprinkled with sea salt.  The bottom is dipped in a layer of caramel, then in a layer of chocolate.

It's the perfect companion to a cup of tea, coffee, or chocolate (the drink in the photo is salted caramel hot chocolate -- I told you I love this flavor!).  Dunk it into your hot drink, and the crumbly biscotti dissolves into your mouth.  The heat of the liquid melts the caramel and chocolate ever so slightly, so you also get a chewy (from the caramel), creamy (from the chocolate) texture.

The combination of flavors is exquisite! Some pieces did have too much salt for my liking -- but all you need to do is brush off some of the salt from the top.  Don't brush all of it off, though; the salt provides the perfect tang to complement the sweetness of the caramel.

A few more things to love about Nonni's:

* It's actually a civilized size.  It's not too huge, but it's enough to appreciate and enjoy the flavor.
* Each biscotti is 100 calories.
* It's individually wrapped, so it doesn't get stale.

Close your eyes, and you can just imagine yourself sitting at a sidewalk cafe in Florence, sipping the perfect tiny cup of espresso, daintily wiping the biscotti crumbs from your lips, while a gorgeous Italian waiter stands nearby.  Ahhh... I can't wait for eleven o'clock!

Disclosure: . I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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