Lice Shield Back to School giveaway

Has your school had its first lice check yet?  Any dreaded pink slips in your kid's backpack with the words LICE on them?  Any parent whose kids has had lice knows that an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure!  Fortunately, Lice Shield is giving away 5 sets of Lice Shield Shampoo & Conditioner, and Lice Shield Conditioning Spray.  It keeps your child's hair clean gently, and repels lice with natural essential oils like citronella, rosemary and lemongrass.   Here's how to enter:

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and share a tip for preventing or getting rid of hair lice.

Extra Entries

For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.). 

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (1 entry -- you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this page!).

5) "Like Bonggamom Finds" on Facebook and write this on my wall (1 entry):
I entered the Lice Shield giveaway!

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on October 10, 2012; I will draw 5 winners at random on October 11 and post their names after they confirm acceptance. Continental US and Canada residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here

Are you worried about lice in your neighborhood?  Check out Lice Shield's Lice Watch app on Facebook!  

Disclosure:  I received a product sample and other promotional goodies from Lice Shield as a thank-you for posting this information. The views and opinions expressed here are my own. 

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  1. I was mortified when my daughter got lice. She has such long, beautiful, healthy hair. It was spreading around her daycare. Anyway, we used the RID kit that you can get at Walgreens and it worked.

  2. Do not share brushes, combs, pony tail holders and such!

  3. don't share hats or other hair accessories with friends since you can get lice from them...

  4. following you on Pinterest Michele Pineda
    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  5. already like you on FB as michele pineda and commented

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  6. pinned

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  7. This contest is now closed. Congratulations to everyone who commented, you will be receiving a Lice Shield Hair Care kit!
