Caroline Abbott is in the AG Catalog!

Have you received the latest American Girl catalog in the mail?  Their newest historical character, Caroline Abbott, is the cover model!  Finally, everyone can see all the beautiful clothes and accessories you can get!  They are all made with the finest attention to historical detail, so everything would look right at home in 1812.  The item my kids (yes, even the boys!) are most excited about is Caroline's Skiff ($175).   It's so beautiful, with a canvas sail, seats and oars.  What with our experience watching Olympics sailing this summer, with the America's Cup coming to San Francisco and of course with my husband loving to sail as he does, Caroline's Skiff is the one item in Caroline's line they would really love to get.

Of course, even if you don't like sailing (or don't have room for such a huge boat!), there are many other items from Caroline's world.  Here's a rundown of Caroline's clothes, accessories and playsets before they finally appear for sale in stores and online on September 4:

Caroline's Spencer & Hat ($24): woolen Spencer jacket, wide-brimmed felt hat

Caroline's Travel Basket ($32): woven basket, 5 gingerbread cakes, 2 apples, cloth napkin, map of Lake Ontario

Caroline's Accessories ($24): bonnet, purse and top

Caroline's Travel Outfit ($28): dress (empire-waisted, like I predicted!) and boots

Caroline's Holiday Gown ($36): gown, braided hearpiece, long white gloves, embroidered shoes

Caroline's Ice Skating Set ($22): Boots, strap-on ice skates, and mittens
Caroline's Winter Coat & Cap ($32): wool coat and cap

Caroline's Parlor ($300) 3 wooden walls with storage window seat, shelf with pull-out drawers, double-sided window scene, light-up fireplace, interchangeable mirror/painting, embroidered fireplace screen, ship model, horse figurine, candlestick, sailor's valentines.

Caroline's Bed & Bedding ($125): 4-poster bed frame with lace canopy, embroidered bedspread, tufted mattress and pillow

Caroline's Nightgown ($24): cotton nightgown and slippers

Caroline's Nightgown for girls ($42): polyester nightgown, sizes XS-L

Caroline's cat, Inkpot: $22

Caroline's Birthday Dress ($28): empire waist dress with puffed sleeves, shoes

Caroline's Party Set ($68): 3 slices of applesauce cake, ceramic pitcher, flower bouquet, 2 napkins, 3 metal plates, 2 forks, 2 knives, 2 cups

Caroline's Table & Chairs ($140): table with drawers & pulls, 2 chairs with brocade seats

Disclosure: I received a Caroline doll to review from American Girl. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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