Back to School with Lice Shield

A few years ago, my daughter contracted a case of head lice, and getting rid of the little buggers required craftiness and dedication worthy of a Sun Tzu military campaign. You know, the guy who wrote The Art of War.  Yes, it was a war -- combing through The Pea's thick hair and methodically pulling out each and every nit, one by one, boiling her sheets, sterilizing her stuffies -- when it comes to lice, you can't leave any prisoners!

Dealing with head lice was such a pain, it left me completely paranoid about future outbreaks, and a firm believer in the old adage, An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Ton of Cure.  So now, whenever I hear of a lice outbreak at school, I immediately remind The Pea that she must never share combs or hair ties with her friends, and instruct her to switch to a lice-repelling shampoo.  And wouldn't you believe it, this year, on the night before school started, one of her friend's moms called me to say that her daughter had lice!  Ugh.  I was gearing up for another nit-picky battle, but fortunately this time around The Pea didn't get it.  Phew!

 Back to school is stressful enough without having to worry about lice. That's why I think lice-repelling hair-care products like Lice Shield ought to be on every parent's Back to School shopping list, along with erasers and crayons and scissors!  Hey, it's just one more way to help prepare your child for a new year at school, right?

Are you worried about lice in your neighborhood?  Check out Lice Shield's Lice Watch app on Facebook!  They have a map that shows you where lice infestations are high around the country.  If you register with the app, you'll be entered in a weekly drawing to win a full-sized (10 oz) bottle of Lice Shield Shampoo & Conditioner in 1.  

Disclosure:  I received a product sample and other promotional goodies from Lice Shield as a thank-you for posting this information. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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