Alice in Wonderland costume ideas from Eden Fantasys

Every year my kids' school hosts an auction fundraiser in October.  It's a parents-only night, and it's always a lot of fun because the event has a theme that varies from year to year -- pirates, pajama party, Greek and Roman gods, and so on.

This year the theme for the auction is Alice in Wonderland, and I'm so excited because Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland movie and the Disneyland's Mad T Party have opened up so many cool possibilities for costumes.  You no longer have to be a boring White Rabbit or Cheshire Cat!  I checked out the Halloween costumes on EdenFantasys, and there are a ton of fun options:

This Alice costume is sexy but tasteful, and I could definitely wear it to the auction (maybe with a puffed-sleeved blouse underneath?) without incurring shocked whispers from the PTA.

This is actually a vampire costume, but I could totally tweak it and make it into a Goth Mad Hatter costume.  It already has the perfect hat!

Instead of stilettos, I would wear black combat boots, and I would lengthen that skirt by wearing a black nylon petticoat like this one.

Oh, all right, this isn't exactly a White Rabbit Costume... maybe I'll save this bunny costume for another event!

Whether you've also got an Alice in Wonderland party of your own, or you're planning your Halloween costume, or want to play dress-up with your partner, here are some discount codes you can use to save at EdenFantasys!

ROMANCE15 - save 15% on your order
ROMANCE20 - save 20% on orders of $50+
ROMANCE25 - save 25% on orders of $100+
ROMANCE30 - save 30% on orders of $150+

Community Forum Discussions - Adult Community at EdenFantasys

Disclosure: EdenFantasys is providing me with a gift card as a thank-you for writing this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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