Where's the nearest Mickey Ice Cream Bar? Find out with the DL Dining app!

The Disneyland Resort is not a place where I like to waste time.  There's just too much to see and do!  In fact, I sort of turn into an unforgiving drill sergeant, planning our day at the parks with military precision, marching my family from place to place with little or no regard for minor things like tired feet, hunger or bathroom breaks (you can pee later, our FastPass expires in 5 minutes!).

That's why I really like the DL Dining app.  It shows you all the menus of all the restaurants at both Disneyland Resort parks, Downtown Disney and all 3 Disneyland Resort hotels, down to the pineapple spears at the Tropical Imports Fruit Stand in Adventureland.  It includes all the prices, whether it's table service or counter service, and whether reservations are recommended.  You can search for your favorite foods (the search criteria, unfortunately, is mainly junk food like burgers, pizza, nuggets and turkey legs), add a restaurant to a Favorites list, and set up a dining schedule.

It's so nice to be able to plan our meals in advance -- like while we're driving down to LA, or when we're in line for the Tower of Terror -- rather than gape a huge menu while we're in line, or be forced to eat an expensive restaurant because we're tired and hungry and didn't realize there was a cheaper option just around the corner.  The app is very basic, and not much to look at, but I don't care, because it serves its purpose.  The next time we're in Disneyland and I get a craving for a chimichanga, I'll know exactly where to go!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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