FIFA Soccer 12 on the PS Vita

Fans of English Premier League soccer have had an awesome season!  Alfie has been watching the EPL all his life, and he says this season was one of the most exciting ever.  All year long, the Premier League table has shifted and turned on its head, and the EPL Championship wasn't decided until the very last game of the season -- actually, until the last few minutes of the game!  That was when Sergio Aguerro scored a goal against Queen's Park Rangers to put Manchester City ahead, grab the title from Manchester United and make the Blue Side of Manchester the EPL Champions for the very first time! 

After such an exciting finish, summertime is positively anticlimactic, but fortunately this year we're enjoying EURO 2012, and we have our quarterfinal soccer game in the Olympics to look forward to!  That's why 3Po and Jammy are enjoying their EA Sports FIFA Soccer 2012 game for the PS Vita more than ever.  They know all the EPL teams by heart, as well as many of the top European league teams (Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, etc...) and National teams (Netherlands, Spain, Germany, etc...) so they really love being able to assemble their own teams and play them virtually against each other. 

About the game:
EA SPORTS FIFA Soccer on PS Vita gives you the same physics-based, data driven technology that powers FIFA gameplay on PlayStation3. Take part in eight different game modes, including 11 vs. 11, Tournament Mode with over 50 real-world competitions, a full in-depth Career Mode, and compete online with Head-to-Head matches against your friends and gamers around the world. Create custom online leagues with your friends and compare your online performance with global and friend focused leader boards. Innovations that utilize a rear touch pad and touchscreen create an intelligent and unique gameplay experience. Rear touch pad shooting delivers pin-point accuracy and removes the element of “hit and hope” from shooting and touchscreen passing opens up the field of play for more creative and precision passing.

3Po and Jammy first discovered the FIFA Soccer games on the PSP, then on the PS3.  The PS3 version gives a much richer experience than the PSP version, but my sons tell me this latest PS Vita Version version is the best yet! Here's why:

* The graphics are superb, giving them a visual experience that matches the one on the PS3.  They've included details like the crowds and the stadium banners, and the players' features are more recognizable, so you can really see that it's Wayne Rooney slicing the ball past Joe Hart in the photo above.

* They can use the PS Vita's touchscreen and rear touchpad to pass the ball, throw it in from the sidelines, take a free kick or shoot for goal.   I'm told that serious gamers have some concerns about oversensitivity of the touchpad and lack of control, but my kids like it just fine (personally, I like the touchscreen feature because I don't have to fiddle with the complicated console controls!)

* They can easily form teams from years past, not just from the current 2011-2012 team lineups.  Players are always being traded from team to team, some retire from international competition, some retire for good, so teams are always changing, and this feature is great if you've been a fan over the years and have a favorite team.  For example, if I think that the Netherlands team that played in the 2010 World Cup should have won against Spain in the finals, I can easily assemble both 2010 teams and give them a rematch to see which team ends up winning. 

FIFA Soccer 12 definitely engages my boys for hours on end.  They really get into it, as though it were a real game on TV -- although I hear quite a bit of laughter when they play and have the soccer players do goofy things like miss a penalty kick or mess up a scissor kick.  I feel good knowing they're being entertained without having to virtually blow up helicopters or people's brains, and they have a good time playing the game they love, even when they're in the car and can't actually play it.  If you're a soccer fan and a gaming fan, the FIFA Soccer games are a must -- and there's no better way to get your kicks on the go than by playing FIFA Soccer 12 on the PS Vita!

Disclosure:As a PlayStation Family Blogger, I received a PS Vita loaner and assorted PS Vita game titles . The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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