Win a free week of summer camp from Galileo Learning!

One of the things that really distinguishes Camp Galileo from your run-of-the-mill summer camp are their themes.  Each week of camp is built around a theme, which ties together all the art, science and outdoor activities the campers enjoy.  Every summer Camp Galileo has four distinct themes, so kids can attend camp for four weeks and never get bored!  The themes for 2012 are:

Galileo Olympics: Greek Art and the Science of the Games
Celebrate the Golden Gate: SF Art and Bridge Engineering
Leonardo's Apprentice: Renaissance Art and Inventions
Galileo Rocks!: The Art and Science of Music

Imagine it:  during an Olympics week, your camper might create an Athena-style warrior helmet for art.  On a Renaissance week, he'll be creating art inspired by Michaelangelo's frescoes.  For science, he might design and build gold-medal-winning kayaks or bobsleds, or if it's Golden Gate week, a model suspension bridge. Naturally, outdoor activities during Olympics week are all about the Olympics!  It's all part of what makes each day's experience at Camp Galileo unique and  unforgettable.

Past years' themes have included Psychedelic 60's, Space Explorers, Lost in the Forbidden City and Inventor's Workshop.  Whatever will they think of next?  Actually, the answer to that question might be up to you -- because Galileo Learning is calling for theme ideas for next year's camps! They want to know which subjects interest your kids the most, and what themes they would most enjoy.  And to thank everyone for their suggestions, one lucky family will win a free week of camp this summer!

Check out their website for more contest details, then head over to the Galileo Learning Facebook page to enter.  You can enter once per day until May 22, so start racking those brains, think about what sorts of things your kids love to do, and leave those suggestions!  Good luck!

Disclosure: This is the first in a series of posts about Camp Galileo and Galileo Summer Quest, for which I am being compensated with a free week of camp for my children.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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