The Puzzle Baron's Sudoku and Logic Puzzles

No matter what your age, it's important to keep the mind stimulated and challenged by learning new skills, learning a new language, engaging in intelligent conversation, and solving problems at work or at play.  My father-in-law is pushing 80, and I'm convinced that one of the things keeping him so hale and hearty is all the crossword puzzles and sudoku puzzles he enjoys.  Alfie likes to say that as a computer engineer, he solves puzzles every day for a living.

Even young kids benefit from working on all different kinds of puzzles, because they get to sharpen so many skills -- analytical skills, listening skills, powers of observation, and lateral thinking.  My kids must have gotten some kind of puzzle loving gene from their dad and granddad, because one of their current favorite bedtime "stories" is a brainteaser book and an IQ test book!

So when a set of puzzle books from Alpha Press arrived, they couldn't have been happier.  They sent us two great books from The Puzzle Baron, whose site is consistently ranked #2 in Google and Bing searches for Logic Puzzles.  Puzzle Baron's Sudoku has 400 sudoku puzzles for all levels, and Puzzle Baron's Logic Puzzles Volume 2 has 200 logic based puzzles to exercise your brain.

Here is a sample of the sudoku puzzles you'll find in Puzzle Baron's Sudoku:

These are the easy ones, so I'm definitely in for hours of headaches -- or hours of fun.  Puzzles 1 through 24 are easy, 25 through 100 are medium, 101 through 250 are difficult, and 251 through 400 are fiendish). 

Here's an example of a puzzle from Puzzle Baron's Logic Puzzles V2 (you can click on the image to see it full-size)

Each puzzle page has a grid so you can eliminate possible answers based on the clues given and come up with the correct answer.  I tried solving one of the puzzles and was insanely happy when I got everything correct.  This book is addicting!  I'm definintely going back for more, that is, if I can tear it from The Pea's hands for long enough.

Both the Logic Puzzles book and the Sudoku book have puzzle-solving tips at the beginning of the book, and answer keys at the back. 

My kids took to both books like ducks to water.  These books are probably meant for teens and adults I'm guessing they'll have to limit their puzzle-solving to the easy levels for now, but they couldn't wait to start, they are working on a few of the puzzles and trying their best -- and most important, they are really enjoying it. 

Oh, and because I know you're dying to find out....
Click here for the answer key to the 3 sudoku puzzles
Click here for the answer to the logic puzzle

Don't miss my giveaway for a copy of Puzzle Baron's Sudoku and Puzzle Baron's Logic Puzzles Volume 2, as well as The Complete Idiot's Guide to Picture Puzzles, Volume 2, going live on May 18!

Disclosure:I received review copies of the books in this post via Wilkes Communications. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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