Last Night I Swam with a Mermaid Book Giveaway

When I was little, I really, really wished mermaids were real, and I'm sure I'm not alone.  There's a reason that mermaids continue to fascinate generations of children (and adults).  The beautiful, graceful creatures we  read about in Peter Pan or The Little Mermaid or The Chronicles of Narnia symbolize everything good and beautiful and magical in the world.

Here'a  book that's guaranteed to bring out your inner child -- Last Night I Swam with a Mermaid.  The story is about a young girl who meets a mermaid and goes on a journey through the oceans.  What makes this book truly special are the photographs.... oh, the photographs....

How could anyone doubt that mermaids exist after seeing these photographs?  They are truly magical, and guaranteed to spark hours of pleasant daydreaming for your children.

But this is more than just a storybook.  It teaches kids the importance of our oceans, how to recycle and how to conserve water.  The beautiful photos do more than inspire kids to imagine and dream --  by showing kids the magic and wonder of the ocean, they inspire kids to want to protect it.   Beauty with purpose -- what more could you ask for?

About the book

Last Night I Swam With A Mermaid is a magical tale spun by author Kimberly Muller and brought to life by her husband, world- renowned photographer, Michael Muller. Together they create a world in which a young girl meets a beautiful mermaid who takes her on an unforgettable ocean journey. As the adventure unfolds, we learn the valuable lesson to Respect and Protect our planet. The mermaid reminds us that it is up to me and it's up to you to make a difference and to never stop dreaming.

Win a copy of Last Night I Swam with a Mermaid
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a copy of Kimberly Muller's book, Last Night I Swam With a Mermaid.

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and share ways you help conserve water or how you teach your children to be responsible stewards of the ocean.  This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Blog about this giveaway, making sure you include a link to the giveaway ( in your blog post (1 entry).

5) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

6) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Mermaid giveaway!

7) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win a copy of Last Night I Swam with a Mermaid!  Enter by 5/24 at #giveaway 

8)  Join any of the open giveaways on Bonggamom Finds (1 entry per giveaway you've joined)

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on May 24, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on May 25 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. Thanks to Book Soup for providing the giveaway prize. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. We make sure that the water isn't running while brushing our teeth!

  2. We only wash full loads of laundry & dishes and we encourage our kids to take shorter showers.

    shakymommy at gmail dot com

  3. We conserve water by turning off the faucet as we brush our teeth. My grandkids emphasized this with me until it became a habit.
    tmy1056 at yahoo dot com

  4. Twitter follower @ tweeted!/tmy56/status/201364673864540161

  5. We use rain water to water plants and turn off the faucet when we brush our teeth.

    katja9_10 at hotmail dot com

  6. I like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook.

    (Les Johnson)

    katja9_10 at hotmail dot com

  7. turning off taps when brushing teeth

  8. Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger Shelly

  9. Follow bonggamom on Pinterest Michele Daley

  10. tweeted!/tmy56/status/202154591725436931

  11. We teach them never to litter and that you always turn the water off while brushing your teeth

  12. Entered the cuddle covers giveaway

  13. Cut back on watering the lawn and hope for more rain.

  14. I wrote on your facebook Page!/BonggamomFinds/posts/280031888759977

  15. I follow you on twitter

    I tweeted

  17. I entered the battery prize pack

  18. I entered the Cheerios prize pack

  19. I entered the Dinosaur train book.

  20. tweeted!/tmy56/status/204390043668844544

  21. tweeted

  22. From the time my kids were very young we've always practiced water conserving. Near our home and at the beach we always pick up trash that we see.

  23. Many of the things we have clothes and items in our home are all recycled items. The more we reuse the more that doesn't end up in landfills and the oceans.

  24. We teach them always to recycle usable water

  25. Congratulations to the winner: #35, JC!
