Toyota 100 Cars for Good

I remember watching those "donate a car to charity" ads on TV when I was a kid and wondering, Now why would a charity be asking for a beat-up old car that doesn't even have to be running?  What they really need is a good working car so they can keep on doing good!

Salvage values and junkyards aside, there's something to be said for a child's view of car donations.  There's no denying that any nonprofit organization would love a sturdy, dependable car -- a van for a meals-on-wheels program, a car for a social worker to travel from client to client, an SUV for an animal rescue program to take dogs to the vet.

Fortunately, companies like Toyota still have a bit of a child's sense of right and wrong, because their 100 Cars for Good program addresses this exact need.  Toyota is in the midst of their 2nd Cars for Good program, giving away 100 cars to 100 nonprofits between May 14 and August 21.  Each day, 5 organizations are being profiled on the 100 Cars for Good Facebook page, and each day you can vote for one of them.  At the end of the day, they tally up the votes and the one with the most votes gets a car.

There are so many things that I love about this campaign.  I love that so many nonprofits get a new car.  I love that it's so easy to vote.  I love that the voting period only lasts for 1 day.  I love that the winners get to choose the car that will best fit the needs of their organization -- a Camry Hybrid, Highlander SUV, Prius v hybrid, Sienna minivan, Sienna Mobility or Tundra full-sized pickup.  I even love that the other 4 nonprofits don't come away empty-handed -- they each get $1,000 from Toyota. 

See how much a new car can mean to a nonprofit:

Which nonprofit do *you* think can do the most good with a new car? Put your money (or Toyota's money!) where your mouth is and go vote at !

Disclosure:I am posting this information as a member of the Toyota TWIN community.  I was selected for participation in the TWIN community through a program with Clever Girls Collective. I did not receive any compensation for writing this post, or payment in exchange for participating. The opinions expressed herein are mine, and do not reflect the views of Toyota.


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I'm a Toyota TWIN Member!

I've ridden in Toyota cars all my life.  In fact, I was probably taken home from the hospital in a Toyota car, because my parents bought a yellow Toyota Corolla the year I was born. It became known as (what else?) The Yellow Car.  A couple of years later, my 2 younger brothers were born only a year apart, so The Yellow Car was joined by The White Car, a white Toyota Corona, to accommodate our growing family.  The Yellow Car and The White Car drove us everywhere throughout our childhood and into high school.

The Yellow Car was the first car I drove, and that was the car my sister and I drove in our first few years of college. Yup, it was still up and running after all those years!  True, the gas tank cap had somehow gotten lost or broken along the way, but we replaced it with the cap from a Cheez Whiz jar, which only added to its quirkiness and vintage factor among my college friends.  I was almost sorry to see it go -- but not too sorry, because my parents replaced it with the latest Corolla model. Finally, a car that was up-to-date with the times!  Our new Blue Car (guess what color our new Corolla was?) was soon joined by a red Toyota LiteAce (for some reason, we broke tradition and called it simply, The LiteAce).

That was over 20 years ago.  The Yellow Car, White Car and Blue Car have moved on to that great Toyota parking lot in the sky; my mom now drives a Toyota Yaris in her old age.  The LiteAce is still around.  The sliding door doesn't work properly but my parents refuse to get rid of it.  It's much too useful and it still runs great, they say.  Whenever we visit the Philippines, our parents pick us up at the airport in it. 

With so many Toyotas in my past, is it any wonder that we chose to buy a Toyota Sienna when Alfie and I started a family of our own?  Toyotas are practically in my blood! So when Toyota invited me to join their Toyota Women's Influencer Network (TWIN), I was beyond honored.  Toyota recognizes that women play a huge role in purchasing -- and using! -- their cars, so they'll be picking the brains of some pretty influential bloggers to find out what women think about the Toyota Brand, and how they can improve their cars to better reflect the way women use their cars today.  I can't wait to share all the experiences with Toyota cars, all the great memories I've enjoyed with Toyota cars, and all the ideas I have for making Toyota cars even better!

Disclosure:I was selected for participation in the TWIN community through a program with Clever Girls Collective. I did not receive any compensation for writing this post, or payment in exchange for participating. The opinions expressed herein are mine, and do not reflect the views of Toyota.


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Discovery Girls magazine giveaway

Who wouldn't want to see their face on a magazine cover?  There's no shortage of photo booths or kiosks at theme parks and carnivals and arcardes that will take your photo and put it on the cover of a magazine, but you'll probably be charged anywhere between $5 (for self-service booths) and $15 (for stalls with a photographer) for the privilege.  You could always do it yourself with any self-respecting photo editing program, but it's too much work for just a little bit of fun.

Enter Cover Creator, an app from Discovery Girls magazine, one of my daughter's favorite publications.  In fact, when we first got our new iPad, Cover Creator was one of the first apps she asked me to buy for her (that and another Discovery Girls app, Embarrassing Moments).  Imagine my surprise when Discovery Girls contacted me and asked me if I wanted to review the app!

DG really has their pulse on what girls enjoy, because this app is so much fun -- just take a photo (or use one from your photo album), and Cover Creator will create a magazine cover with it!  You can choose from 5 ready-to-go templates or create your own from scratch.  You can edit your magazine layout by adding premade text elements, changing their colors, moving them around your layout, or adding your own text or drawings.  It's a bit like a greeting card creator, or a very simple photo editor.

Once you've saved your magazine cover to your photo album, you can email it to yourself, your friends, or to Discovery Girl Magazine.  It's very easy and lots of fun, and best of all, it's only $1.99!  Beat that, expensive photo booths!

Just a couple of things that could be improved:
  • You can't change the size of the ready-made text elements
  • You can't go back and edit your magazine cover once you've saved it and moved out of the app or started on another magazine cover.
  • It's only available on iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch), so Android tablet and phone users can't share in the fun
  • You can't share your magazine cover via Twitter or Facebook or other social channels directly from the app (the workaround is to go to your photo album and share it from there, or email it to yourself, download and share it from there)
But those are minor inconveniences, certainly nothing to stop me from wholeheartedly recommending this app.  Because everyone deserves their moment in the sun!

Win a subscription to Discovery Girls Magazine
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a 1-year subscription (6 issues) to Discovery Girls Magazine.

(I just had to get my own magazine cover.  Hey, I'm a girl too, aren't I?  Who said the kids had to have all the fun?)

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me what magazine cover you would most like to appear on.  This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Repin any of my pins on Pinterest (1 entry for each repin).

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Discovery Girls giveaway!

8) Write this on the Discovery Girls Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered to win a 1-year subscription to Discovery Girls magazine on Bonggamom Finds!  Giveaway ends June 15 at

9)  Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win a 1-year subscription to Discovery Girls Magazine!   Enter by 6/15 at cc @DGmagazine #giveaway

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on June 15, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 16 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only.  For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. I purchased the app myself, but Discovery Girls is providing the giveaway prize.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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Treat cards Father's Day giveaway

It's funny how, even in English, people call their fathers by so many names.  Alfie called his father Daddy when he was a boy, then switched to Dad as he grew older.  I've always called my father Daddy (I remember when we were kids, he told us he doesn't mind what we call him, as long as it isn't Papa, because it reminded him of Papa Piccolino, a popular brand of soup at the time!).  My kids also call Alfie Daddy; we'll see whether that changes.  (Actually, when 3Po was learning how to speak, he couldn't really say "Daddy", so the best he could do was "Tati".   "Tati" eventually became the name for his special bedtime blanket! )   What you do call your father? Whatever you call him, make sure you send him a greeting or a phone call this Father's Day, June 17, to let him know how what a special person he is in your life!

Send a Father's Day Greeting Card via Treat
Have you heard of Treat? Treat is Tiny Prints new partner site offering personalized greeting cards, including some great Father's Day cards for the special dad in your life.  Treat is the perfect way to manage greeting cards in today's online world -- you can import birthdays from Facebook, schedule cards for delivery up to 1 year in advance, and add a gift card to top retailers like Amazon, iTunes, Target and more in your greeting card.   For more information, follow Treat on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google+.

Get a free greeting card from Treat
Sign up with Treat, and  your first Treat card is free! Use code FREETREAT at checkout.

Win 10 free greeting cards from Treat
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive 10 free tokens, good for 10 free greeting cards, from Treat!

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me what you plan to do this Father's Day.  This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Repin any of my pins on Pinterest (1 entry for each repin).

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Treat Father's Day greeting card giveaway!

8) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win 10 free greeting cards from @Treatcards !   Enter by 6/14 at #giveaway

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on June 14, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 15 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance.  For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: Treat is providing me with 10 free cards as a thank-you for hosting the giveaway.  Giveaway prize is also provided by Treat.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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10 Things You Need to Know About the PS Vita

Summer vacation is almost here, and that means a lot of road trips!  In June, we have a Disneyland trip and a camping trip, then in July and August we'll be in England, Wales, France and Belgium.  There are going to be a lot of boring hours in cars, trains, planes, and waiting rooms, so we're definitely going to be taking the Sony Playstation Portable (PSP) that kept the kids so well occupied the last time we were abroad.  And this year, our PSP is going to have a rival  --- its younger and newer version, the Sony PlayStation Vita!  As a PlayStation Family Member, Sony sent me a PS Vita and some games to try out, and let me tell you it's so much more than just a handheld videogame! 

In fact, the PS Vita is so rich in functionality, it's difficult to know where to start raving about it.  Fortunately, the PS Vita social media team sent each of the PlayStation Family Members a list of 10 Thing You Need to Know about the PS Vita -- a "cheat sheet" of the PS Vita's best features, if you must.   I'm reprinting the list here, so if you are curious about the PS Vita, or if you're wondering what all the fuss is about, you don't need to look any further:

The Vita's 5" touchscreen display is powered by cutting-edge OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) technology which harnesses organic electroluminescence instead of backlit design in LCD displays (means brilliant color, deeper blacks for even monochromatic games, different shades of grey)

First and only portable gaming platform to incorporate dual analog sticks, which grants first-person shooter and hardcore action players the precision and responsivenedss.

Another video game first: a precise rear touch pad that puts powerful new tools at your fingertips.  front-and-back VGA cameras and sophisticated sixaxis motion sensors for world's most advanced augmented reality entertainment platform, blending virtual world and real world.

Enables PS Vita and PS3 players to play with and against each other in supported multiplayer games.  Also, players can transfer progress between their PS3 and PS Vita versions of the game.

Features 3G/Wi-Fi model, allowing players to play with other people on the PLayStation Network, login to the PS store to download add-ons or new games or content, all on the go.  Uses AT&T Data Connect plans, which are month by month and not contract based! 250MG for $14.99
3GBfor $30

Connect with your friends, use "near", PS Vita's geosocial networking app, to check in.  Also use "Party", a cross-game voice chat for up to 8 players, enables users to send messages and photos

PS Vita comes pre-installed with Paint Park (way to share notes & doodles), Facebook, Twitter, Skype, flickr & foursquare!

Tactile user interface takes full advantage of the gorgeous 5" OLED touchscreen, making navigating digital content fun and easy.  User interface is speedy and transparent, can hope form a game to an app and back again fluidly (as a bubble)

PS Vita Memory Card can store game saves, plus thousands of games and movies. 4,8, 16, 32GB options.

 MP3s, podcasts imported from PC or PS3 -- you can listen to them in the background while you're playing a game or browsing a web

There are nearly100 PS Vita games in development worldwide, including:
Here are the I'm most excited to try:
Hotshots Golf
Super Stardust Delta*
Little Deviants*
ModNation Racers Roadtrip
Uncharted Golden Abyss
EA Sports FIFA Soccer*
Michael Jackson The Experience

Also watch out for these upcoming titles:
Gravity Rush
Little Big Planet
Reality Fighters
Marvel Pinball
Plants vs. Zombies
Super MonkeyBall
Ridge Racer

* Sony sent us copies of these titles, so watch out for a future review!

Disclosure: Disclosure: As a PlayStation Family blogger, I have been loaned a PS Vita Unit and several PS Vita games. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

Free American Girl printable activities

Last week I posted a link to some great American Girl learning activities that will keep your daughters busy throughout the summer.  Here are a few more American Girl downloadable activities from -- these don't have a specific educational focus, they are just for fun (and as the song says, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!). There's a set for each American Girl historical character, which makes them great for themed birthday parties or sleepovers,

Click here to enter my American Girl Read-a-Palooza giveaway -- You could win an assortment of American Girl books!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. . The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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McKenna's Gymtastic App

I just got a new iPad this week, so naturally one of the first apps I loaded onto it was an American Girl app! American Girl apps only work with iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch), so this is the first time 
we've been able to play with it.

McKenna's Gymtastic, like all good apps, is based on a pretty simple concept: McKenna is running on a balance beam  (a very long, long balance beam!), and you have to keep her from falling down when she encounters a gap between beams.  When you tap the screen, McKenna jumps (actually, she jumps and twists and twirls in mid-air).   She has to catch purple stars to get points, and if she falls 3 times, the game is over.  The Pea says it's a lot like Ice Runner; easy to learn, surprisingly addictive, and a great way to help pass the time.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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Monsuno Battle Toys review and giveaway

Have you heard about Monsuno?  It's the latest animated action-adventure series for boys on Nicktoons, combining science fiction, dinosaurs and arena battle:

About “Monsuno”
Millions of years ago, “Monsuno,” a living DNA, hitched a ride to Earth in a concentrated asteroid pocket. When it landed on Earth, the impact drove the dinosaurs into extinction. The “Monsuno” DNA lay dormant until a scientist named Jeredy Suno activated it, sending a rippling wave of movement back into action. By doing so, Jeredy may have reignited the end of the world but he also created its salvation, the “Monsuno” monsters. Now, it’s up to his son Chase to learn the secrets of “Monsuno” and help save the world from impending destruction.

If you want to see what Monsuno is all about, tune in to Nicktoons on Monday, May 28th from 4p.m. to 7:30p.m. ET -- they are hosting a Monsuno Madness Marathon so you can get your fill of Chase, Bren & Jinja.  They're also premiering all-new Monsuno episodes on May 29, 30 and 31.

Fans of the show will be happy to know that Monsuno is also available as a line of action figures, combat set, accessories and trading cards from Jakks Pacific!  Jakks Pacific sent me a Monsuno party pack so that 3Po, Jammy and their friends could check it out. They each invited a friend to come to the house for a Monsuno party, which we held last week.  3Po and Jammy could hardly wait, and spent the whole week learning all about Monsuno and how to play it.

The Monsuno action figure is a tiny battle animal (like a tiger or wolf or scorpion) that folds into a tube-like case (the "core").  You can play the Monsuno battle game with the action figures, cores and trading cards.  Opponents battle each other by spinning Monsuno cores with Monsuno figures inside the core.  If both Monsuno figures emerge from their cores, opponents lay down cards to determine who wins.  The full rules are on the Monsuno website, but from what the boys tell me, it's a lot like Pokemon (which, by the way, is another Jakks Pacific toy brand!).

At the party, each boy received a Monsuno core, action figure, trading cards and collectible metal core to play with. They lost no time dividing up the loot, going through the cards and setting up their action figures.  They must have spent an hour just folding their battle figures, spinning their cores and letting the figures spring to life!  Once they started playing the actual game, things got serious.  Since each game is played with just 2 people and there were 4 boys, they decided on a tournament system, with the winner of each "semi-final" moving on to play in the final match.  They had so much fun!  Thanks, Jakks Pacific, for introducing my boys to such a great new toy!

Win Monsuno trading cards
We have a few extra trading cards left over from our Monsuno party, so we're giving them away!  One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive 3 packs of trading cards (with 12 cards per pack).

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me which Monsuno action figure you or your son think is the coolest.   This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Repin any of my pins on Pinterest (1 entry for each repin).

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Monsuno giveaway!

8) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win 3 packs of Monsuno trading cards!  Enter by 6/11 at #giveaway

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on June 11, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 12 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance.  For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure:Thanks to Jakks Pacific for providing me with a Monsuno party pack to share with sons and their friends.  Giveaway prize was taken from the party pack..  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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Bonggamom's Friday Finds -- list your giveaways here

Bonggamoms Friday Finds

Welcome to Bonggamom's Friday Finds! I'm glad so many of you are finding this to be a useful way to get more traffic to your giveaways. And as a person who loves entering giveaways, I have to admit it's a great, easy way to find out where all the best giveaways are.

So feel free to leave links to your giveaways, everyone. And don't forget to get cracking and enter everyone else's, too!

Bonggamom's 40th Birthday Giveaway (part 2!)

Yesterday I celebrated my 40th birthday with a $40 Amazon gift card giveaway -- but I'm not done yet!  Today I'm giving away a $40 Safeway gift card, which can be used at store in the Safeway group (Safeway, Vons, Dominick's, Genuardi's, Randalls, Tom Thumb, Pavilions, Carrs).  I figured that if I'm having a virtual birthday party, someone needs to buy the birthday cake :)

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me what your ideal birthday cake would look and taste like.   This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Repin any of my pins on Pinterest (1 entry for each repin).

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Safeway gift card giveaway!

8) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day):
@bonggafinds is celebrating her 40th birthday with a $40 Safeway gift card giveaway!  Enter by 6/13 at #giveaway

9) Leave a comment on any Finding Bonggamom post tagged with "Turning Forty",  up to once per day (1entry per day)

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on June 13, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 14 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance.  For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: I purchased the giveaway prize myself.  All views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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Bonggamom's 40th birthday giveaway

Today is a very special day.... my 40th birthday!  I'm not into big birthday celebrations (the last time I had a birthday party was 17 years ago), but this is a milestone birthday, so some kind of festivity seemed to be in order.   I thought about a special birthday trip, but jetting away to Vegas or Mexico with a group of girlfriends just isn't my style.  Actually, the truth is, that kind of trip is out of my budget, especially since we're going to the UK this summer and to the Philippines over winter break.  But I really want to take the kids to Disneyland once school lets out, so that's going to be my big birthday trip, and I couldn't be more excited.  What better way to celebrate turning forty than by visiting the land of eternal youth?

But I couldn't let my birthday pass without some kind of giveaway on this blog, because I'm so grateful to the support I've received from all of you great Bonggamom Finds readers.  I'm far too busy and challenged to worry about approaching middle age and all that stuff, and this blog is a huge, huge part of that!  It has given me purpose in life, and I couldn't have done it without you!  I wish I could send each and every one of you a birthday goody bag, but I can't, so to celebrate my 40th birthday, I'm giving away a $40 (of course it had to be $40!) Amazon gift card.  Thank you for helping me grow Bonggamom Finds to where it is today!

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me how you celebrated your last birthday.   This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Repin any of my pins on Pinterest (1 entry for each repin).

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered your birthday giveaway!

8) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this (1 entry per day):
@bonggafinds is celebrating her 40th birthday with a $40 Amazon gift card giveaway!  Enter by 6/12 at #giveaway

9) Enter any open giveaway on Bonggamom Finds (1 entry for each giveaway you've joined)

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on June 12, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 13 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance.  For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: I purchased the giveaway prize myself.  All views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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Fiber One Chewy bars review and giveaway

Looking for a snack that combines the taste kids’ love with the nutrients they need? Be one of the first to try new Fiber One® Chewy bars, the perfect wholesome snack that the whole family will enjoy! Available in Chocolate and Strawberry PB&J varieties, these chewy bars are perfect for in-the-house, on-the-go, and everywhere in between. Complete with a peanut butter or chocolate bottom and yummy drizzle in every bite, kids won’t be able to resist the taste and parents won’t be able to resist the nutrition of this enjoyable snack.

Fiber One Chewy bars contain 20% of the Daily Value of fiber and 10% of the Daily Value of calcium
These 100 or 110 calorie bars contain no high fructose corn syrup, and only 7 or 8 grams of sugar.

We received samples of new Fiber One Chewy Bars (along with some other goodies that you could win for yourself,  see giveaway below) and the kids really love them!  Both flavors -- Chocolate and Strawberry PB&J  -- are great.  I don't tend to like PBJ-flavored bars because either the peanut flavor is too strong, or the jelly is too sweet, but this one had a great balance.  Naturally, the fiber is a huge plus!

Win a Fiber One Chewy Bars gift pack
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a gift pack from Fiber One, which includes:
  • (1) Box of Fiber One Chewy Chocolate Bars
  • (1) Box of the Fiber One Chewy Strawberry PB&J Bars
  • Drawstring Sack Pack
  • Water Bottle
  • Flexi Flyer
  • Soccer Ball
  • Sidewalk Chalk

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me which Fiber One Chewy bar you are most looking forward to trying.   This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Repin any of my pins on Pinterest (1 entry for each repin).

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Fiber One Chewy Bars giveaway!

8) Write this on the Fiber One Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered to win a Fiber One Chew bars prize pack!  Giveaway ends June 4, enter on Bonggamom Finds:

9) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win a Fiber One Chewy bars prize pack!  Enter by 6/4 at #giveaway #MyBlogSpark

10) Enter any open giveaway on Bonggamom Finds (1 entry for each giveaway you've joined)

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on June 4, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 5 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: The product, gift pack, information (in italics), and additional sample have all been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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Eden Fantasys Gift Card Giveaway

These days, they say forty is the new thirty, and I couldn't be more relieved!  I'm turning forty next week, so it's good to know that I don't have to start living in muumuus and cardigans.  In fact, I'm more determined than ever to stay fit and healthy, celebrate life like it's a party, and dress for it!

That's where EdenFantasys comes in -- they're a great place to find flirty and fun clubwear like little black dresses, ruffle tops and more.  I recently purchased a jeweled drape top from EdenFantasys to wear to a blog dinner, and I couldn't be happier with it.

The shimmery grey fabric drapes so nicely and flatters practically any shape.  The back of the dress is blinged out with a rope of shiny stones.  I like that it has little cap sleeves, so it kind of hides the flab on my arms!

I wore the top with a black belt, black leggins and shiny wedge heels.  It's actually a dress, not a tunic top, so you can do away with the leggings if you're confident enough to wear it, but that was the one concession I made to old age.  I'm too old for micro-miniskirts --  but not too old for a cute top! It's the perfect top for going out, no matter what your age!

Win a $50 EdenFantasys gift card
Would you like to party the night away in a top like mine?  Or treat yourself to any of EdenFantasys' luscious body products, sexy lingerie or fun adult products?  EdenFantasys is helping me celebrate my birthday with a giveaway!  One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will win a $50 gift certificate to EdenFantasies!

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me which EdenFantasys product you would buy if you win the $50 EdenFantasys giftcard.  This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

2) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

4) Repin any of my pins on Pinterest (1 entry for each repin).

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Eden Fantasys giveaway!

8) Write this on the EdenFantasys Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered to win a $50 EdenFantasys gift card!  Giveaway ends June 3, enter on Bonggamom Finds:

9) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win a $50 Eden Fantasys gift card!  Enter by 6/3 at

10) Enter any open giveaway on Bonggamom Finds (1 entry for each giveaway you've joined)

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on June 3, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 4 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: I will be receiving an EdenFantasys gift card as a thank-you for writing this post.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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Dollar General Everyday Heroes May Giveaway

Dollar General's Everyday Heroes program is a wonderful way to recognize that there are ordinary people all around us who can make a difference. They launched the program in February 2012, and have been honoring people from all walks of life, from firefighters to veterans to teachers to caregivers.  For May, what better group of people to honor than Moms, the ultimate unsung Every Day Hero?  I don't think anyone can argue that moms do extraordinary things every day for their families and communities. 

There is no better example of an Every Day Hero than Georgia mom Mary Gail Emery, Dollar General's Every Day Hero for May.  Emery is a single mom of two, holding a full-time job and part-time work.  She coaches her daughter's basketball team, serves as a volunteer coach for other AAU and YMCA basketball teams, and provides rides to other kids who would be unable to participate in sports programs otherwise.  That's what I call a hero!

Here are the other ways Dollar General is celebrating moms:
Throughout the month of May, in recognition of moms who do extraordinary things every day for their families and communities, Dollar General® is teaming up with Procter & Gamble® to honor moms – the true Every Day Heroes who have made sacrifices for their families and their communities. To celebrate moms, Dollar General is inviting customers to upload videos describing why their moms are “Every Day Heroes.” Videos can be submitted and viewed at

Win a Mom's Prize Pack
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a Dollar General prize pack containing a variety of mom essentials:
  • Tide® Pods
  • Febreze® Auto Air Freshener
  • Always® Radiant
  • Tampax® Radiant
  • Secret® Coco Butter Clear Gel
  • Old Spice® Champion Deodorant
  • Dollar General chip clip.

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me why your mom is an everyday hero.   This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Upload a video about your mom to Dollar General's website at (1 entry)

2)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

4) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Dollar General Moms giveaway!

8) Write this on the Dollar General Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered to win a beauty prize package for Moms from Dollar General on Bonggamom Finds!

9) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win a Moms Prize Pack fr @DollarGeneral & @ProcterGamble! Enter by 5/31 at #giveaway

10) Enter any open giveaway on Bonggamom Finds (1 entry for each giveaway you've joined)

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on May 31, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 1 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. Thanks to Procter & Gamble for providing the prize pack for this giveaway, as well as a second prize pack for me.  Promo information (in italics) was provided by Blue Chip Communications. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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Bonggamom's Friday Finds -- list your giveaways here

Bonggamoms Friday Finds

Welcome to Bonggamom's Friday Finds! I'm glad so many of you are finding this to be a useful way to get more traffic to your giveaways. And as a person who loves entering giveaways, I have to admit it's a great, easy way to find out where all the best giveaways are.

So feel free to leave links to your giveaways, everyone. And don't forget to get cracking and enter everyone else's, too!

Brainteaser puzzles giveaway

This summer, we'll be traveling in the UK and continental Europe -- which means we'll be spending quite a bit of time on airplanes, trains and cars.  The kids will be taking their usual arsenal of video games to keep them occupied, but batteries don't last forever, and there aren't always places to recharge on the road.  Besides, I don't want them to be staring at a screen the whole summer long -- so I'm eternally grateful to Alpha Books for clueing me into some great puzzle books to keep my kids' minds from turning into mush.  Yesterday I reviewed two Puzzle Baron books: Sudoku and Logic Puzzles Volume 2, and today I'll be reviewing The Complete Idiot's Guide to Picture Puzzles, Volume 2.

I think I love Picture Puzzles the best out of the 3.  This book is a pleasure to look at; the photos are visually compelling: interesting, colorful, and filled with detail.  I could flip through it for hours while on the plane or train (and let's face it, on the can!).

Most are "spot-the-difference"-type picture puzzles, although there are a few "which-one-is-different" kind of puzzles (5 identical photos and 1 slightly different photo, and you have to figure out which one is the odd photo out), as well as jigsaw puzzles, where you have to rearrange the photo on a grid to reassemble it, presumably without cutting up the book and physically rearranging the pieces.

Here's an example of one of the puzzles from the book:

You can spot the first few fairly quickly, then the differences get more subtle; the medium and difficult level puzzles look pretty much identical.  The puzzle above is an easy puzzle, but I have to admit, I haven't yet found all seven.  Does that make me a complete idiot? I guess it's a good thing this is The Complete Idiot's guide!

What's really nice about this book is that they give you a time limit (1 minute, 45 seconds for the easy puzzles) to solve the puzzle, so even regular puzzle solvers and the more cerebrally endowed are challenged. Even geniuses can enjoy this book by competing to see who can spot all the differences in the least amount of time.  And if you absolutely cannot solve the puzzles, there is an answer key at the back of the book.

The whole family -- Alfie, the kids and I -- love this book, and I have a feeling we'll be enjoying it throughout the summer! 

Win a Brainteaser Puzzle Pack
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a copy of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Picture Puzzles, Puzzle Baron's Sudoku, and Puzzle Baron's Logic Puzzles (check out my review of the Puzzle Baron's books here).

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me where and when you enjoy solving puzzles, crosswords or other brainteasers.   This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1)  Try to spot the differences in the Oh, Buoy! picture puzzle above within the 1 minute, 45 second time allotment -- then leave a comment on this post and tell me how many you were able to find in that time! (1 entry)

2)  Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger (1 entry)

3) Follow bonggamom on Instagram (1 entry)

4) Follow bonggamom on Pinterest (1 entry)

5) Pin this giveaway on your Pinterest board (you can use the "Pin It" button at the bottom of this post -- 1 entry).

6) Like Bonggamom Finds on Facebook (1 entry).

7) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Brainteaser puzzle giveaway!

8) Follow @bonggafinds on Twitter and tweet this (1 entry per day):
RT @bonggafinds Win a set of brainteaser puzzle books fr @Idiotsguide & @PuzzleBaron!  Enter by 6/1 at #giveaway

9) Enter any open giveaway on Bonggamom Finds (1 entry for each giveaway you've joined)

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on June 1, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on June 2 and post his/her name after she/he confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here.

PS: Now that you've tried to solve the picture puzzle, you can check out the answers here!  Did you get them all?

Disclosure:I received a sample of all 3 books to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Giveaway prize and product information (in italics) is provided by the publishers. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


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