New American Girl Smart Girl's Guide book

Oh, the tween years. I hated them. I think I looked and felt my worst between the ages of 9 and 12 -- taller than any of the boys, bigger than most of them, with big feet and big hair and bad teeth and bad skin..... I can still remember all the angst and insecurity I felt! I wish I could tell that girl today that in a couple of years, she would discover volleyball and slim down, discover dance and acquire some grace, get braces and transform her look.

The Pea will be 11 in two weeks, and I know she is already going through a lot of what I did. She's tall and big; in my opinion, not so ugly or awkward as I was, but then again, I probably wasn't as ugly as I thought I was! It's all in self-perception, and I'm making it a priority to let my daughter know how special and important she is, and how she should stay confident in her own abilities.

It's not an easy time for a kid, and as a parent, I'll take any help I can get, and American Girl books have already been a big help for me. I've gotten the Pea several of their Be Your Best and Body & Mind books, including The Care and Keeping of You, A Smart Girl's Guide to Friendship Troubles and Take the Challenge, and they have been a good starting point for open, honest discussions about things like having the courage to stand up for your convictions, dealing with rich kid boasting, or what to do to repair a friendship. American Girl's latest title -- A Smart Girl's Guide to Liking Herself -- looks like it's going to be another useful tool to help The Pea navigate the confusing world of growing up. She really likes it, and I think it offers a lot of good advice on where self-esteem comes from, what affects it (her moods, friends, family, etc...) and how she can keep her self-esteem high every single day. Heck, even I could use the advice in this book!

About A Smart Girl's Guide to Liking Herself -- Even on the Bad Days
Has a bad day got her down? In this advice-packed book, girls will learn how high self-esteem can turn a good day into a great day, while low self-esteem can make a bad day even worse. She'll learn tips for trusting herself, ideas for boosting her self-esteem (or for keeping it up), and how to feel her best in all kinds of situations. She is perfect just as she is, and this book will help her believe that to be true! 96 pages. Paperback. Author: Dr. Laurie Zelinger. Ages 10+

Also new this spring at the American Girl Bookstore are 2 Historical Fiction titles, a new Doll Travel craft book, a new Smart Girl's Guide, a new Treasure Totes line, and new titles in their Innerstar University series. Check out the American Girl online bookstore to see all the new titles!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for the latest American Girl mystery book, The Cameo Necklace!

Disclosure: I received a review copy of A Smart Girl's Guide to Liking Herself -- even on the Bad Days. Product information is provided by American Girl and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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