Come walk with me

I've got some exciting news -- I've been chosen to be a Walkabout Challenge Ambassador for Orthaheel and Weil Integrative Footwear! Over the next 28 days, I'll be joining 49 other people from all walks of life (pun intended) in a quest for improved fitness and well-being. I'll be chronicling my journey via this blog, Facebook and Twitter, and I hope you'll join me as I walk towards my 40th birthday, towards better health and a better me.

The challenge officially begins today. Get ready... set... walk!

Disclosure: As an ambassador for the 28-day Walkabout Challenge for Orthaheel USA and Weil Integrative Footwear, I received a package containing a pair of Dr. Weil footwear and other promotional items. I will not be receiving any other form of compensation for my participation. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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