Ana's Doll Clothes

One of the best things about being a review blogger is discovering great products from small businesses, whether it's from a Google search or a review on another blogger's site or a timely email from the business owner. Case in point: Ana's Doll Clothes, an online store that sells clothes and accessories for 18" and 15" dolls. They have such lovely things!

Here's what I love about Ana's Doll Clothes:

* great prices for clothes -- $18 for dresses and tshirt/legging outfits and pajamas, $20 for coats, $8-$10 for shoes!

* great selection -- you can get girly dresses, bold patterns, activewear and lots of styles to suit your daughter's preferences.

* inexpensive furniture (a doll's bunk bed for only $70!)

* flat shipping rate of only $5.95

* great quality -- Ana's Doll Clothes sent me their Pink Peace pj's and their fit our American Girl dolls perfectly! Check out The Pea's doll, McKenna, lounging around in her fab new pj's:

The pj's aren't the only cute things you can find. Here are some of my favorite things from Ana's Doll Clothes:

Brown Pucci sparkle dress

Ugg boots

Adorable, yes? These would make great birthday presents or Easter basket fillers! Looks like a lot of little dolls are going to get a new spring wardrobe....

Discount Code!
Save 15% off all purchases over $25 at Ana's Doll Clothes with the discount code bonggamom.

Win a doll's PJ set!
One lucky winner will receive the Ana's Doll Clothes pajama set and headband that was sent to me for review! (The Pea's McKenna doll wore it for just a minute so I could take the photo, but otherwise it's brand new!)

Required Entry
Check out the dolls clothes, shoes, accessories and furniture on Ana's Doll Clothes, and leave a comment on this post with a link to the item you love the most. This entry must be completed before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries (max 2)
1) Subscribe to Bonggamom Finds via email (1 entry).

2) Tweet this (1 entry)
Get 15% your purchase over $25 at with code BONGGAMOM

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on March 24, 2012; I will draw a winner at random on March 25 and post their name after they confirm acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. Thanks to Ana's Doll Clothes for providing the giveaway prize. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. I love her Gold Trim Princess Dress! My daughter would love it
    andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

  2. tweet!/notimeMom/status/181228305188524032
    andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

  3. I subscribe via email
    andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

  4. Brown cupcake pj's:

  5. I subscribe via email

  6. I like the dress rack

    tmy1056 at yahoo dot com

  7. I'm an email subscriber
    tmy1056 at yahoo dot com

  8. tweeted!/tmy56/status/181508454949724160

  9. Congratulations to the winner, tintinalex!
