How to prevent InkJoy Pen Theft

Pens are like hangers and socks, always disappearing when least expect them to, and turning up in the most unlikely places. But unlike hangers and socks, there's a more sinister side to pen loss. You know what I mean. Ever had a favorite pen? Have your kids or husband ever "borrowed" this pen and "forgot" to return it? Do you guard it with your life? Yeah, I thought so.

A couple of weeks ago Papermate sent me some samples with their newest pen, the InkJoy -- accompanied by some very interesting objects like a safe and a Pen Theft Prevention poster. Why? Because the InkJoy writes so effortlessly and smoothly, it's sure to be the target for all those so-called pen "borrowers". In fact, experts predict it's going to be the World's Most Stolen Pen. Here's why:

The technology.... a unique blend of ultra-low viscosity inks and optimized writing tips to give you unparalleled smoothness.

The art... a range of sleek and modern pen designs housing a rich palette of vivid ink colors to dazzle your writing imagination.

After trying out the InkJoy pens, I can certainly see why people would want to steal these pens and risk going to pen jail. It does write smoothly, with no skipping at all. The ink has the smoothness and bold color of a gel pen, not a ball-point pen, but you don't have to wait ages for it to dry and worry that you're going to smudge the ink. The 300 RT series comes in a host of rainbow colors, and they look so good that I could already see the greedy, calculating glint in The Pea's eyes. I knew it was just a matter of time before they "disappeared" and "turned up" in The Pea's pen collection. I had to protect my pens! Luckily, the small fingerprint safe that Papermate sent me has done the trick, but many people won't be able to protect their pens the same way. For all you poor souls whose pens are in danger, I have the following tips to protect your InkJoy pens:

1) Warn.
Let potential pen thieves know that you won't be tolerating any pen-stealing nonsense. Papermate gave me this awesome warning poster; feel free to download and print so you can tell friends, coworkers and family that You. Are. Watching.

2) Hide.
Stash your Papermate InkJoy pens in a place no one would ever look for them. For potential hiding places, think of every place you've ever left your car keys: the refrigerator, the cereal cabinet, and your winter ski jacket are all good.

3) Disguise.
Hide your Papermate InkJoy pen in plain sight -- think flowers, chopsticks, Barbie doll stilts, and with a bit of luck no one will even realize what it is (This works best in a family with a history of nearsightedness).

4) Distract.
Offer potential pen-thieves an inferior pen. They will go away happily, marveling at your generosity, not realizing you've saved the best for yourself. An inferior pen is easy to find, since all pens are inferior to the InkJoy.

5) Protect it.
For maximum security, enlist the services of a professional who is experienced in foiling robberies, stealth attacks, and secret plots. Make sure he or she is an expert pen-guard, as opposed to body-guard. I happen to have my own personal attack ninja but you can choose to employ ex-CIA, MIA or KGB agents as well.

My InkJoy pens are safe... for now. Constant vigilance is key, but remember, these InkJoy pens are worth protecting. Good luck!

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! The pens look awesome,and the safe is a great idea. :)
    Have a good day-
