Moonpig Personalized Greeting Cards Review

We send holiday cards to a lot of people every year -- friends, teachers, cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings. Most of the time, especially for people we don't see very often, I like to send a photo holiday card with a short update on how we are doing and what sorts of things we were up to for the year. I certainly like receiving these kinds of cards, and I know that most other people do -- but I also realize that they aren't appropriate for every type of recipient.

For example, we always send a card to Alfie's sister and to each of her three sons. They range in age from eighteen to twenty-six years old, and I doubt if they'd appreciate receiving a holiday card with our boring old photo in it! If they get struck by lightning and forget what we look like, they would immediately head to Facebook anyway, so a photo holiday card is just not what we'd send them. We like to send them more humorous cards, but I have to admit I miss the personal touch of a photo card.

I was recently introduced to an online card service that's perfect for sending cards that still have a personal touch, but also have more of an edge to them. sells the kind of fun greeting cards that you can find at stationery stores or drugstores or big retailers -- but you can actually personalize the cards with custom text, fonts and more! There's a card for every occasion -- birthdays, Christmas, Hannukah, Halloween, Valentine's, congratulations, anniversaries, you name it. You can buy just 1 greeting card, just like you would at a store. You can personalize it and have it mailed directly to your recipient, or have it mailed to you with a blank envelope so you can send it (or give it) yourself.

What makes MoonPig so unique? Take this holiday card below. It's the type of card you might typically find under "humor" in your local drugstore or Target.

LinkThis is a funny card, but it would be even better if the names "Fred" and "Penelope" could be changed to the names of the people you were sending it to -- and with, you can! You can edit some or all of the text in front, and add a personalized message inside. It all adds up to a truly unique card!

The humor and the language is distinctly British -- I recognize some typical"we had a row about it", "slushed again", "a drop of wine", "she was gagging for it" -- which is fine by me, since Alfie is from Britain, but again, if you think the person you're sending it to might not "get" the humor, you can change the text, or change the card. I'm really going to enjoy sending holiday cards to Alfie's nephews this year -- these cards are really going to stand out from the crowd!

Disclosure: I received a $20 credit at to purchase cards to review, via the Mom Bloggers Club. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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