Bonggamom's 100th Friday Find (and a giveaway for you!)

Bonggamoms Friday Finds

Welcome to the 100th edition of Bonggamom's Friday Finds! I can't believe I've hosted a hundred weeks of links to the Bestest Giveaways around the Blogosphere. Thank you to everyone who has left their links over the years. And I hope you all continue to find this giveaway linky as useful as I do.

And what better way to celebrate the 100th Bonggamom's Friday Finds post than with a giveaway?! Here are the prizes up for grabs:

Pure FutbolOne Pure Futbol game for the PS3

One Golden Compass game for Nintendo DS

One Endangerbles music cd

Anyone who leaves a link to a giveaway on the Mr. Linky giveaway linky below is eligible to enter. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post telling me which prize you'd like to win AND your linky number (i.e. if you left the first link, write "#1"). Note, this is the required entry and must be completed before any extra entries will count.

As usual, I've got ways to get extra entries:

1) If you left a link to a giveaway on last week's Friday Finds post, you get 1 extra entry -- please leave a comment on this post telling me your linky number from last week.

2) If you leave a link to a giveaway on next week's Friday Finds post, you get 1 extra entry -- please leave a comment on this post telling me your linky number.

3) If you blog about this giveaway, you get 1 extra entry -- please leave a comment on this post with the link to your blog post.

4) If you tweet about this giveaway, you get 1 extra entry -- please use the tweet below and leave a comment on this post with a link to your tweet.
It's @bonggafinds 100th Friday Finds post! To celebrate, she's giving away a PS3 game, a DS game and a music cd

I will pick 3 winners on November 4, 2011. Continental US residents only, please. Good luck!

One again, thanks for leaving your links. And here's to the next 100 Friday Finds!


  1. Mine is lucky #13.

    My husband would enjoy Pure Futbol.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  2. My link is number 22 and I'd choose Golden Compass.

    Thank you.

  3. Pure Futbol would be great. Thanks for the linky!

  4. #26



  5. #30
    I would like to win One Pure Futbol game for the PS3

  6. McKenzie Kennedy
    #31 - I think I'd like to win the Pure Futbol.

  7. Congratulations to Wendy & Linda! They won the Golden Compass & Pure Futbol games, respectively.
