Biggest Online Shopping Mistakes

Two weeks ago I shared my biggest online shopping mistake, and asked you to share yours. I had great time reading through all your stories! Not that I enjoyed your misery, of course, but you know how misery loves company, and it's somewhat comforting to know that you're not alone. Here are some of my "favorite" ones:

  • Ordering beauty products online from a less than reputable site. It turned out my order was an auto renewal program and I got charged bi weekly for new shipments. Who orders the same make up products bi weekly!?!

  • Pressing the "buy" button three times by accident. My card as charged three times, and I had to call the bank to resolve this issue.

  • Putting my social security number online with a purchase. I will never do that again.

  • Buying something on a site that was not secure. My cc info was stolen and a bunch of charges were racked up...I am more careful now!

My favorite one is by andie@multiplemama. None of my Savvy Shopping Tips could have prevented this one, and it's a classic:

  • I was once looking at jumpers on AMAZON and walked away from my computer. With three children aged three and under in the house. One of them ordered it with one click shopping that automatically accesses my credit card info. and it appeared at my door two days later. It took two weeks to figure out how it all happened!

Thanks to all my readers for being brave enough to admit your mistakes! Reading through all your stories really brings home the fact that it's all too easy for even the most intelligent, internet-savvy person to make an online purchase they regret.

Fortunately we have cards like American Express, which helps mitigate the negative effects of those mistakes. They offer protection against fraudulent purchases, and they even let cardmembers return items even though the merchant's return policy has expired (up to $300, up to 90 days). Even better, there are simple things you can do to help ensure that you don't end up making mistakes in the first place! Last week I shared some tips for savvy online shopping -- it's a post well worth reading, so you can avoid the kinds of experiences I mentioned earlier.

Aaaand now, the moment we've all been waiting for....the winner's name! Let's give a big round of applause for commenter #124, JC! She won $250 in gift cards and merchandise from American Express -- and now that she's all savvy with so many safe shopping tips, I know she'll make that $250 go a long wayl Congratulations, JC, on your win, and thank you to American Express for sponsoring such a fun and informative set of posts. Have a safe and happy fall shopping season!

Disclosure: This post is part of a compensated series with American Express. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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