Quest for Zhu Party Tips and Activity Sheets

The release of the new Zhu Zhu Pets movie, Quest for Zhu, is only 5 days away, so you parents of Zhunatics are probably already planning your own Zhu Zhu movie parties! We hosted our own Quest for Zhu preview party last week, courtesy of MomSelect, and it was a great success. Based on my experience hosting the party, here are some tips you can use for your own Quest for Zhu Parties:

1) Make it a Big Deal for the kids by lining the path from your front door to the viewing area with a Hollywood-style Red Carpet. You can use masking tape or painter's tape to secure a long strip of red tissue to the floor!

2) No movie party is complete without snacks! Make lots of popcorn, hand out packs of Twizzlers or other movie candy, and give the kids paper cups filled with milk or juice. Don't forget the bendy straw!

3) Ask your guests to bring their Zhu Zhu pets and prepare a special Zhu Zhu viewing area in front of the TV, so the kids can position their Zhu Zhu pets to have their own movie party!

4) Get your guests excited to watch the movie with some Zhu Zhu craft activities. You can print out Zhu Zhu coloring sheets from the internet, or download the Zhu Zhu Activity sheets below.

5) Afterwards, the movie can serve as inspiration for future Zhu Zhu play sessions! My daughter and her friends have already made their own Zhu Zhu movie theatre out of cardboard, tape and paper.

Have a great party! And don't forget to enter my Quest for Zhu DVD giveaway! If you leave a comment on this post, it counts as an extra entry to the giveaway!

Here are the Zhu Zhu Activity sheets. To download, just click on an image. It will take you to my Flickr page, where you can download the image in small, medium, large or original resolution.

Disclosure: Zhu Zhu activity sheets were provided by MomSelect. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. How fun! My daughter is going to love these, thanks!

  2. Thank You... there is a good selection of different sheets that kids can choose from
    Thank You

  3. We will be printing all of these. I think I will print them and put them in binders as a nice surprise for the kids. Thank you!
