July 30 is National Friendship Day

The United Nations has declared July 30th as the official annual International Day of Friendship.

U.N. Resolution A/65/L.72 calls friendship "a noble and valuable sentiment in the lives of human beings," and notes that friendship contributes to "the promotion of dialogue among civilizations, solidarity, mutual understanding and reconciliation."

We all know how important friends are to our lives, so let's celebrate National Friendship Day by letting our friends know how much they mean to us! Here are five things you can do:

1) Braid a friendship bracelet.

2) Write on your friends' Facebook walls and say "Hi".

3) Have lunch with a friend.

3) Be a friend to someone you don't know and practice a random act of kindness -- pay for someone's bridge toll, or buy the next person in line a cup of coffee.

4) Send a friendship card. You can choose one at your local cardstore, or send an e-card. In honor of National Friendship Day, the creators of the animated movies Ice Age and Rio (which is going out on DVD and Blu-Ray on August 2) have created some Friendship Day e-cards:

Advanced Happy Friendship Day!

I'll be giving away a copy of the upcoming RIO dvd, so stay tuned!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. DVD information is provided by the featured company/product and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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