Make any party a hit with Cahooties

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about how Cahooties make great party favors -- and now I have proof! The Pea hosted a birthday swimming party for 20 of her friends over the weekend and the Cahooties we handed out were a smash hit!

In case you haven't heard of Cahooties, they are like paper fortune tellers, but they're made of sturdy, laminated cardboard so you can use it again and again. Also, Cahooties don't just "tell" fortunes -- players also have to answer fun questions, learn interesting facts and complete silly dares. There are over 17 different kinds of Cahooties, with themes ranging from birthdays to best friends to arctic animals to politics (you can read more about them on my original Cahootie review post).

For The Pea's pool party, I rented out the swimming pool where her brothers take swimming lessons. We had the whole pool to ourselves, and the weekend weather could not have been better for water play. There was a grassy picnic area just beside the pool, and I stacked the Cahooties on one of the tables. I thought they looked gorgeous, so bright and colorful and festive!

Naturally all the girls were curious about the Cahooties, but I managed to steer them away from the Cahooties and into the pool. After over an hour of splashy fun, we herded everyone out of the pool. Then, once everyone was warm and dry and full of pizza and cake, I told the girls they could each pick a Cahootie to play with and take home -- and the grabfest began! Everyone rushed to the table to look at all the different kinds of Cahooties they could pick. The Pea, of course, reserved the Birthday Diva Cahootie for herself, but there was more than enough variety for every girl and every interest.

To be perfectly honest, I was surprised at the lack of conflict, or even swapping, going on. It seemed that everyone got a Cahootie they loved. One girl, who is on a soccer and a baseball team, got the Sporty Girls Cahootie; another one, whose mom heads up The Pea's Girl Scout troop, chose the Camp Rocks Cahootie. The Truth or Dare and My Fab Future versions were quite popular (fortunately there were several duplicates, enough to go around), and one little girl, who is not a girly-girl at all, was absolutely delighted to find the Dogs Rule Cahootie amongst all the pink and purple boxes. Seeing her face light up (and hearing her rave about it to her dad when he came to pick her up) made me so grateful that Cahootie also has an assortment of gender neutral games.

The girls spent the rest of the time putting fortune stickers on their Cahooties and playing games with each other. They had so much fun with Cahooties, and since Cahooties are so sturdy, they'll be able to take them home and play with them for a long time! Thanks, Cahooties, for making my daughter's birthday party such a hoot!!

Disclosure: Thank you to Cahooties for providing an assortment of Cahooties for my daughter and her friends to play with. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment:

  1. My step-daughter has a couple of these and has lots of fun with them.
