Alfie: Super Dad Extraordinaire

Last year I participated in a blog campaign for ABC's tv show, No Ordinary Family, and we were given this ultra-awesome family photo. I love seeing us depicted as superheroes! I'm not too sure about my own super abilities (other than being able to avoid laundry for weeks on end), but I have no doubt that Alfie's Super Parenting powers would put Mr. Incredible to shame.

I really am lucky to have Alfie as a co-parent to our three kids. He loves each of them to death, and he loves spending time with them. When they were babies, Alfie helped me out with the nitty-gritty tasks like bathing, diaper changing and feeding. Now that they're older he does all kinds of things with them: takes them to the park to kick a soccer ball around, washes his motorcycle with them, goes biking with them to pick up veggies at the farmers market and more. And he never misses a dance recital, concert or soccer game. He shows his love for them in little ways, like these:

1) He always makes sure they get enough water to drink.
2) He always makes sure they wear sunscreen and a hat when we go out.
3) He always
4) He reads to them each and every night.
5) Whenever he wakes up at night, he goes into their room to check on them and make sure they're warm and snuggly -- and gives them one last kiss for the night.

The kids, of course, have their own views on why their dad is a Super Dad. When I asked them what makes daddy a hero, this is what they said:

The Pea : He works hard and earns money for us, he gives great advice and he has fun hobbies.

Jammy: When stuff breaks, he fixes it.

3Po: He teaches us soccer skills and he unclogs toilets.

And there you have it. Who else could handle a computer, a motorcycle and a plunger with such ease and finesse? Superman, eat your heart out! This Father's Day, we'll be armed with a Tiny Prints Father's Day card, some soap-on-a-rope, fish and chips (his favorite food) and lots of kisses -- and we'll be giving props to the best Super Dad we know: Alfie.

Disclosure: Tiny Prints is compensating me for this post in the form of a Tiny Prints gift card. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.,

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