Switching it up and sparking it up

After ten years of marriage and three kids, it's all too easy for the romance between Alfie and me to get lost in all the carpools, doctors' appointments and grocery runs. And after a long day, it's all too easy to get stuck in a rut -- meaning, one of us ends up surfing the internet while the other one lounges on the couch and flips through the tv channels.

It takes a little bit of effort to get started, but once you make up your mind that you need to make some time for your spouse or partner, you'll be surprised at how even simple little switches in your everyday routines can put the spark back in your relationship! With that in mind, SocialMoms has teamed up with Cottonelle to show everyone how little switches can make all the difference in our lives and relationships. They want to know how you switch things up!

Here are some "switches" that can make all the difference:

1) Find me some Afternoon Delight -- no, not that kind! Tempting as that may sound, I'm talking about meeting Alfie at work and going out to lunch together.

2) Get Thee To A Movie -- Going to the cinema with your husband is an easy way, inexpensive way to grab some couple time, but even a Pay-Per-View movie at home can become a nice break from your everyday routine. What matters is that you can lose yourself in the story (and maybe get to hold your husband's hand).

3) A Little Red (or Black) Dress -- Most mornings I rush out of bed at the last second, throw on a tshirt and sweatpants, and rake a comb through my hair as I push the kids out of the door to school. So sometimes I make a little extra effort to put on something nice, swipe on some lip gloss and accessorize with necklaces and bracelets. Alfie never fails to ask me if I'm going on a date when he sees me all dolled up, and I can never resist the gleam in his eyes when I tell him I've got a rendezvous with my boyfriend after I drop the kids off from school. What actually happens when I get home and find Alfie in the kitchen, finishing off his breakfast, is for mine and Alfie's ears only.... :)

Disclosure: wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Cottonelle blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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