Kymaro Bust Up Cups review

I always feel a bit weird hosting giveaways for products I haven't tried, because I don't want to give the impression that I'm endorsing them. Of course, they are all products I would love to try, and they are all products I imagine I would like, but unless I've actually tried them, I can never say for sure (which is why you will never find me expressing my personal opinions about the products on those kinds of giveaway posts).

Over the past year I have hosted several giveaways for Kymaro products, but I have not had the opportunity to review any of their products until recently -- so I'm very happy to actually be able to try them out at last! I'll be posting these reviews over the next six weeks. First up: Kymaro Bust Up Cups.

The Basics
Here's more information about the Bust Up Cups:
Bust Up Cups creates deep, sexy cleavage and can increase your cup size by one to two sizes instantly! And Bust Up Cups are different because they actually lift and support you!

Bust Up Cups can be worn inside any bra. Wear them with all of your clothes, from tee-shirts and tank tops to strapless gowns and button down blouses…. even swimwear because they’re waterproof and they won’t fall out.

No matter what size you are, Bust Up Cups patent pending design molds to your own unique shape, they won’t leak and wear out like the other inserts you have tried. Plus, only Bust Up Cups give you lift and support while being lightweight and breathable thanks to the specially designed holes that keep you comfortable!

The Bongga
You may have seen similar silicone inserts before in department store lingerie sections (I have a pair myself), and I think Kymaro's product works as well as those to fill out my size-A cups -- not as drastically as some of the photos on the Kymaro webpage, but enough to make me look like a woman instead of a prepubescent girl. They sit nicely in my underwire bra and I never feel like they're going to fall out and embarrass me. I also like the fact that you can easily tell which is the left and which is the right. What really sets Kymaro's Bust Up Cups apart, in my opinion, are the holes in the inserts that allow air to flow through to your skin. You don't feel icky and sweaty with those things plastered up against your skin!

The Blah
The Bust Up cups may look a bit weird since they're clear, not flesh-colored like most other inserts, but then again, who cares what color they are? No one's going to see them but you (and if you plan to be in a situation where someone else might see them, perhaps you should take your clothes off in the dark!).

The Bottom Line
Kymaro Bust Up Cups are a discreet, comfortable, secure way to boost your cleavage and your confidence.

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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