What makes mommy awesome?

There is no love quite like the love of a child for his mother: it's the strongest, sweetest, purest, most innocent, most unconditional thing in this world.

It can also be one of the funniest.

Mother's Day is on April 3 in the UK (Mothering Sunday, to be exact) and on May 8 in the US, and to celebrate, Tiny Prints has asked me to share with everyone why my kids think I, their mother, am awesome. I have quite a few ideas about that myself (the list would include messing up my girlish figure, enduring stretch marks, scouring the internet for entertaining kid-friendly events, playing bored board games for hours on end, cleaning up their messes, giving up couples weekends in Calistoga and learning to ski) but to be completely objective, I guess I should feature the kids' answers, not mine.

Since The Pea is away on a camping trip, the task fell 3Po and Jammy to explain what makes me so awesome. Here are their top ten answers why:

1) Because she takes care of us.
2) Because she blogs and gets lots of toys for us to play with.
3) Because she's soft and squishy so she's nice to hug.
4) Because she's way better than our sister.
5) Because she can fold good origami cranes.
6) Because she volunteers at the library.
7) Because she came with our class to the symphony.
8) Because she's so cool.
9) Because she's the best mama ever.
10) Because she loves us.

Sigh..... I guess I can endure a few more hours of playing board games if it earns me that kind of love. Being a mother doesn't get any better. Now, if only I could get all of that on a Mother's Day card!*

* Psst, actually you can put 3Po and Jammy's words of wisdom on a greeting card -- just create your own customized greeting card at Tiny Prints. Check out their collection of Mother's Day Cards so you can show your mother how awesome she is!

Disclosure: I will be receiving compensation for this post in the form of a Tiny Prints gift certificate (thanks to Resourceful Mommy Media for the opportunity). Product information is provided by Tiny Prints and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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