"Beautiful Skin Revealed" book giveaway

Today's giveaway is a must-enter for anyone whose bathroom cabinets are overflowing with creams, lotions, wipes and miracle gels! I've been given the opportunity to give away dermatologist Paul Friedman's book, "Beautiful Skin Revealed: The Guide to Better Skin".

Here's a description of the book:
The marketing and sale of cleansers, moisturizers, cosmeceuticals, and cosmetics is a multibillion-dollar industry. How do you navigate through the maze of products and promises? Which combination of treatment options, potions and lotions is the real deal?

In an effort to separate fact from fiction, Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Paul Friedman, has co-authored the book “Beautiful Skin Revealed: The Ultimate Guide to Better Skin.” This comprehensive book offers an expert’s insider view on common skin conditions and treatments that really work, in addition to offering tips on how to maximize the time with your dermatologist. According to Dr. Friedman, “The book is grounded in science and explains why conditions occur. Using before and after photos and real patient testimonials, “Beautiful Skin Revealed” shows readers the incredible results made possible through the latest treatment options.”

Beautiful Skin Revealed is available for purchase at www.amazon.com.

Required Entry
Leave a comment on this post and tell me how you navigate through the maze of beauty products on the market and choose the products that are right for you. This entry must be completed before extra entries qualify.

Extra Entries
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry with a way to verify the entry (i.e. tweet link, blog post link, Facebook id, Twitter id, etc.).

1) Subscribe to Bonggamom Finds updates (1 entry).

2) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Networked Blogs (1 entry).

3) Follow Bonggamom Finds on Blogger(1 entry).

4) Write this on the Bonggamom Finds Facebook page (1 entry):
I entered the Beautiful Skin Revealed book giveaway! http://ow.ly/4koah

6) Tweet this, up to once per day (1 entry per day, leave a comment with the tweet link for each tweet):
Win a copy of the book "Beautiful Skin Revealed: The Ultimate Guide to Better Skin" on @bonggafinds http://ow.ly/4koah #giveaways

7) Join any of the other open giveaways on Bonggamom Finds (1 entry for each giveaway joined).

The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on April 5, 2011; I will draw a winner at random on April 6 and post the winner's name after the winner confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. Thanks to KMR Communications for providing the giveaway prize. Product information is provided by KMR and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. I stick with hypo allergenic products.


  2. I choose whatever I have a coupon for.
    lazybones344 at gmail dot com

  3. I have a wise friend who helps me.


  4. I have extremely sensitive, dry skin, so I look for products that are made for my skin type as well as all natural, organic products with no parabens or fragances (which irritate my skin).

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

  5. Subscribed to your updates

    falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

  6. Tweeted: http://twitter.com/falongoesgreen/status/55415468676231168

    falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

  7. Entered the P&G/Target giveaway

    falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

  8. Entered the Walgreens giveaway

    falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

  9. i get recommendations from my friends and family
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  10. I have my favorites I stick with. I don't get caught up in all the hype about new products. I have two well known companies that I rely on for advice. I research their websites. garrettsambo@aol.com

  11. Congratulations to the winner: #11, susansmoakes!
