Join SoyJoy's Facebook discussion today about new Dietary Guidelines

SoyJoy is holding a live broadcast today, featuring David Grotto, registered dietitian and author of "101 Foods That Will Save Your Life”, who will be talking about the new 2010 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The U.S. government updates them every 5 years, and they are due out next week, so David will be giving everyone a sneak peek at the new guidelines and giving some insights and recommendations.

Tune in live on later today (Thursday, January 27th) at 12:30pm EST to be among the first to see what the newest Dietary Guidelines has to offer! David will be answering questions live during the webcast -- if you submit questions online via facebook, twitter, UStream OR email, you could win a box of SOYJOY bars!

Disclosure: As a thank-you for posting this information, I will be receiving a box of SoyJoy bars. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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