Evora Kids review and giveaway

Even though they've had a clean bill of dental health so far, I'm not convinced my kids are the best brushers and flossers. When they're in a hurry, they try to get away with swishing their toothbrush around their mouth a few times. Flossing? Ugh, what a drag -- but I know it's got to be done. If only there were a magic pill to get rid of all cavities forever! I was recently introduced to EvoraKids, a chewable probiotic for kids that helps limit decay-causing bacteria and maintain a balance of good bacteria in the mouth. You still have to brush and floss, but it's possible that EvoraKids is as close to a magic pill as they come!

Here's some information about EvoraKids:
Teaching toddlers to brush properly is essential to preventing future problems with their teeth. Developing good habits at an early age and scheduling regular dental visits help children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Any assistance kids can get in maintaining a health mouth will help them in the future. Oragenics, Inc, a company specializing in innovative biotechnology for oral health, just launched the first ever probiotic oral care chewable for kids called EvoraKids. Designed for kids ages 3 to 10, EvoraKids is 100% natural and targets only the bad bacteria in the mouth. This establishes a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria.

For more details about the product, including FAQs, visit the Evora Kids website.

The Bongga
I love the idea of putting the "good germs" in your mouth to work in helping keep your teeth clean and healthy! Getting the kids to try it was a pretty easy sell: they know that yogurt has "good bacteria" that promotes digestive health, so they can see the benefits of having "good bacteria" kill the bad stuff. I really like the thought of them chewing EvoraKids and getting those bits into all the spaces between their teeth -- just the way candy does, only this time you want it getting between the teeth!

The Blah
Even though it's billed as tasting like candy, it actually has quite a bitter aftertaste, so I'd recommend telling your kids to let the tablet dissolve a bit in their mouth, and crunch it relatively slowly. Also, since antibacterial mouthwashes are designed to kill all kinds of bacteria in the mouth, they are NOT recommended for use with EvoraKids -- using both cancels out the probiotic benefits of EvoraKids. They do recommend flouride mouthwashes, though.

So which approach should you take, antibacterial mouthwashes or probiotics? Which one works better? I can't say, and I'm not sure how to tell. I'll leave that to researchers, statisticians and spin doctors -- for now, at least, we're going to give EvoraKids a long-term shot. And here's a thought: if antibacterial mouthwashes kill all kinds of bacteria, they're also killing the good bacteria that help keep the bad bacteria out of your mouth!

The Bottom Line
EvoraKids probiotic oral care chews give you peace of mind that decay-causing bacteria are being eliminated in places where brushing and flossing can't reach.

Win a box of EvoraKids
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a box of EvoraKids probiotic oral care chews.

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Leave a comment on this post and share your biggest challenge in getting your kids to take care of their teeth. This entry must be completed before other entries will count.

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EvoraKids chews are the 1st probiotic product for kids' oral care! Enter to win a box at @bonggafinds http://ow.ly/3poQB #giveaway

The Rules
This giveaway ends at midnight PST on December 24, 2010; I will draw a winner at random on December 25. I will post the winner's name in the comments section after he/she confirms acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

Disclosure: I received a product sample, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. Trying to keep them away from candy!
    pjames330 at aol dot com

  2. Subscriber to your blog.
    pjames330 at aol dot com

  3. My biggest challenge is in getting my daughter to use mouthwash. She is very prone to cavities, even though she doesn't eat much candy, so her dentist has recommended she use mouthwash each night.

    brandielam3 at gmail dot com

  4. Subscribe by email
    brandielam3 at gmail dot com

  5. Follow on Blogger

    brandielam3 at gmail dot com

  6. Follow on Networked Blogs
    brandielam3 at gmail dot com

  7. My son always forgets to brush his teeth in the evening, so I have to remaind him about it every day.
    natatheangel at yahoo dot com

  8. Actually my daughter has no problem to brush her teeth, just sometimes she "skips" brushing.
    jdrombo AT yahoo DOt com

  9. I have to brush my son's teeth for him. He tends to chew the toothbrush more than anything when he does it himself.

  10. I follow Evora Plus on twitter under childrensnook

  11. flossing, they brush great, but flossing...like pulling teeth!
    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  12. My biggest challenge is getting her to brush her teeth for more than 5 seconds... she thinks that's enough! lol

    stormraven at gmail dot com

  13. Getting them to floss everyday is hared.


  14. Getting our daughter to brush longer than 10 seconds is our biggest challenge.

  15. My son is great about brushing his teeth before bed, but he seems o always forget to bruch in the morning before school.

  16. it's hard to get the kids to brush their teeth i have to watch them and make sure they do it each morning and each evening
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  17. MY concern is he doesnt like to brush

    wombatpurple at yahoo dot com

  18. Congrats to the winner: #19, wombat purple!

  19. I really appreciate you for taking time in posting this amazing blog. It is always a big challenge for the parents to make their kids brush and floss regularly. It is also quite difficult keeping the kids from having candies and chewing gums. Anyway, I liked the information you have shared here in this blog and I think it will be useful for many parents.
