Shox Scooter Review

We are big Shred Sled fans; ever since we first tried out the Shred Sled over a year ago, we've loved the wave-like skateboarding/surfing/snowboarding motion and the quick learning curve that makes it easy for anyone to ride a Shred Sled. Now Shred Sled is revolutionizing the scooter world with their introduction of the Shox Scooter, the first-ever active shock absorber scooter! We were thrilled when Team Mom gave us a Shox Scooter to try out, and just like the Shred Sled, we've found that the Shox Scooter is making it easier for anyone to take it up a notch. Keep reading to find out what we think of it:

The Basics
Shred Sled, a company specializing in extreme sports products for children is introducing the Shox Scooter, the first-ever active shock absorber scooter that allows riders to perform higher, faster, more awesome tricks! Unlike traditional scooters, the Shox Scooter’s supreme shocks increase a rider’s speed and air-time, making stunts bigger and better.

Great for beginners learning their very first “ollie,” or advanced riders landing those perfect “180′s,” the deck’s rough grip surface provides excellent foot control and traction while performing tricks.

The Bongga
As a practical, sensible parent, here's what I like about the Shox Scooter:

* The shock absorbing deck makes the scooter ride much more smooth and gentle than regular scooters, so just scooting along becomes a pleasant experience.
* The wheels are bigger than most scooters so they glide over bumps and cracks in the road more easily.
* It folds up easily so it's easy to transport.
* It's rated for a wider range of ages, so more kids can ride it and feel like they're doing cool tricks, not just the "Big Boys".

But the Shox Scooter isn't just any old scooter; the spring-loaded deck helps kids spring up higher so they can do cool tricks! This is what the kids really love about it; without any learning curve at all, they can get on the Shox Scooter and send themselves up into the air. It's the simplest trick of all but it gets their confidence soaring as high as the Shox Scooter. We've only had the Shox Scooter for a couple of days and already they want to do more tricks!

The Blah
Since 3Po and Jammy are total beginners at doing scooter tricks, they had no idea whatsoever to do with the Shox Scooter other than scoot on it just like a regular scooter, or at the most do a few jumps. Granted, their jumps were awesome, thanks to the spring shock deck, but it would have been great if the box came with some instructions on how to use the Shox Scooter to perform basic tricks.

The Bottom Line
Just like the Shred Sled, the Shox Scooter makes easier to learn and more accessible to kids. It's the perfect way to get your youngster started on skateboarding tricks!

Disclosure: I received a sample Shox Scooter from Team Mom. I was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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