Webkinz Jr. "Bebop & the Beats" music Review

These days, whenever my kids log on to Webkinz or Webkinz Jr., the first thing they do is look around for a Webkinz music video to watch. They're short music videos featuring Webkinz (or Webkinz Jr.) characters scampering and playing across the screen, with a grownup singing a catchy little tune. I well remember how crazy I was about music videos in the 80's, but the music videos these days are pretty explicit (both the lyrics and the visuals), so I'm happy they are getting their fill of music videos on such an innocent venue as Webkinz!

I recently had the good fortune of hosting a Webkinz Jr. party courtesy of MomSelect (check out my party post!), and one of the items I was given for our party guests was a Webkinz Jr. cd. It's a collection of 8 catchy songs, each with a preschool theme (abc's, colors, counting, opposites, shapes, friends, jumping and dancing), sung by the Webkinz Jr. band , Bebop & the Beats. They sound a lot like the music in the videos that my kids watch on Webkinz World, which I suppose is why they really enjoy this cd.

Your child can listen to these songs on Webkinz Jr. by logging on to their account and "turning on" (or to be precise, clicking on) the tv in their virtual pet's playroom. If your child doesn't have a Webkinz Jr. account, he or she can watch their music videos on the Ganz Videos Webkinz YouTube channel -- they're all there, exactly as they appear on Webkinz Jr.

I don't think the cd is available for sale, but you can enter my Webkinz Jr. giveaway for a chance to win one of these fun cd's for your child. If you leave a comment on this post, you'll even get an extra entry!

Disclosure: I received a sample cd from MomSelect and Ganz, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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