Voskos Greek Yogurt Review

When it comes to yogurt, my family is picky. I think it comes from having been to the UK so often and having had the opportunity to taste so many amazing varieties from England, Switzerland, France and Greece. We just don't like the bland taste and clumpy texture that seems to be the norm for yogurt sold here. To me, good yogurt either has to be smooth and runny Swiss yogurt, or smooth and thick, like Greek yogurt. I never really thought I'd like the thick Greek yogurt -- until I tried it. Now I'm an addict. Plain Greek yogurt drizzled with honey..... YUM. So when Voskos invited me to try their all-natural Greek Yogurt, I jumped at the chance. The Basics Voskos Greek Yogurt comes in 10 regular varieties and 3 organic varieties. It's available at Whole Foods Market nationwide, as well as many health food stores, co-op markets and finer supermarkets. Here's how Voskos describes their yogurt: Adapting a centuries old Greek style straining process, Voskos Greek Yogurt was the first Greek yogurt to be made in and sold nationally in the United States. Voskos Greek Yogurt is high in protein, and naturally low in carbohydrates and calories. Even our non-fat Greek yogurts are naturally creamy, smooth and thick! The Bongga I don't know why I've never tried Voskos Greek Yogurt before! I love the fact that there are so many varieties, not just plain and honey-flavored, which seem to be the default varieties for Greek yogurt. The blueberry and vanilla bean flavors are fantastic! Here are 3 ways we've enjoyed Voskos Greek Yogurt so far: 1) You can pack it in your kids' lunchboxes for a tasty, healthy, calcium-rich snack. Here's The Pea trying Voskos' fig yogurt: 2) Voskos Greek Yogurt makes a wonderful after-school snack or dessert. It's rich and creamy and thick, so when my kids ask for ice cream I give them greek yogurt instead. They love dunking fruit into it: Psst, here's a secret I learned from a real, honest-to-goodness chef: take some plain yogurt, add some grated lemon rind, sprinkle cinnamon on top, and voila! You've got a heavenly-smelling, absolutely delicious, sugar-free yogurt dip. Somehow the lemon and the cinnamon trick you into thinking it's sweet! In the photo above I used Voskos plain nonfat Greek yogurt, but if you really have a sweet tooth you can use their Honey yogurt. 3) Voskos Greek Yogurt makes a wonderful healthy substitute for sour cream when you're cooking dinner! One night I made the Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes from the recipe section on Voskos Greek yogurt website, using plain, fat-free Voskos Greek yogurt. I served it with steamed green beans and a pork loin roast, and the results were amazing: The mashed "potatoes" tasted great (I did deviate a bit from the recipe; I mashed in a medium boiled potato because I wanted to get more of the smooshy consistency of real mashed potatoes), and my family had no idea they were eating cauliflower. As Alfie put it, This One's A Keeper. And he isn't just talking about the cauliflower, he's talking about Voskos. The Blah There's not much to dislike about Voskos Greek yogurt, although I have to admit I don't care for the fig flavor. To each his own, right? And in the plain (full-fat) variety, I got a fuzzy feeling on my tongue, like it was too thick. I guess I should be grateful that I prefer the low-fat and fat-free version, huh?! The Bottom Line Voskos Greek yogurt is so sinfully rich and creamy, it's difficult to believe it's healthy food! Once you've tried it, you'll never go back to regular yogurt!

Disclosure: I received product samples from Voskos, but was not paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured company/product and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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